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Author BMW X3 or X5 Diesel

Registered: 30th Nov 04
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9th Jul 12 at 09:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As above what are they like to live with, mrs has currently got an Astra 1.9 cdti Sri XP 5 door, 2008.

She would like something higher up etc.. and has seen one of these about, what i can't get my head around is how expensive they still are compared to trade price ie) ebay etc... for example a 2002 with 87000 £7500! Glass's guide price on the same car approx £4500. I realise they were a lot of money brand new and i thought i may be able to get one through trade but seems they sell for quite a bit more, any advice recommendations?

Another option is buy her moms s-line audi a3 58 plate low miles tdi.

Probably if we buy one keep it around a year or so, tentatively thinking about it at the moment,

help or advice would be appreciated, Ad.

Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
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9th Jul 12 at 09:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Driven all 3, but would go for the audi, depends whether you want to be high up or not I suppose. They hold their value better too, especially been a s-line & diesel.

X3 is a waste of time, its too small imo, I've had a 3.0d x5 and it was a great car for long journeys, i'd still have it if the gearbox didn't fall out.

Registered: 30th Nov 04
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9th Jul 12 at 09:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah ive heard about the gearbox on them, I would def need service history and tbh its between the X5 and audi I think, the audi is similar size to the astra she currently has but her mom has had it from new so we know what were getting etc... She does like the X5 though

Registered: 19th Dec 02
Location: Cambs Drives:M3 & X3
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10th Jul 12 at 20:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I was in the exact same situation. Missus wanted a higher up bigger car so we looked at the x5 and x3. The x5 looks dated and was worried about the gearbox stories so went for the x3. We got a 20d X3 MSport and I love it, the MSports look much nicer than the standard versions. The only thing I miss is a bit of speed, but when I've got my little boy in the car it doesn't matter. Hopefully in a couple of years we'll get the current shape x5.

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