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Author Ebay paint?
corsa king

Registered: 30th Apr 12
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10th Jul 12 at 20:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

As the title suggests the thread is about ebay spray paint. Has anyone ever used it that could share a review? The only reason it looks appealing is the price! I'm hopefully getting a set of cav slabs sone time next and I'm going to be spraying them gloss black, what paint/method would you guys suggest?

Also I'm wanting to gloss the black trims around the car, could anyone shed some light on how I would go about that?


Registered: 7th Oct 09
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire
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10th Jul 12 at 20:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its ok, but you can get that same paint from poundshops so dont get it off there, if you need to get some off eBay get some bigger tins 400 or 500ml

Registered: 12th Jan 07
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10th Jul 12 at 20:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's probably equal quality to that of Halfords but Halfords charge £6.49 per 300ml, would expect it to be okay spray.

You will be best off with etching primer for the wheels I believe.

Wheel Guide

Get some Etch Primer for the alloys, it a primer which bonds to bare metal well.

I used this guide and went though the numbers so I learnt step by step.

If you want to do it will it's going to take a lot of cans, I think a lot of people just do poor jobs with cans as they rush it.

I used that youtube guide for some interior plastics, I rushed them a bit towards the end but they came out okay.


Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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10th Jul 12 at 21:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ive used those poundland tins on small things. The paint comes out like water, kinda splattery, but the end result was decent. Needed quite a few coats.

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