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Let’s pay a security firm £200m to fail to provide adequate security to put on what is essentially a global PR exercise that doesn’t matter, then borrow 3,500 soldiers to make up the shortfall instead of funding our hospitals. Good one.

[Edited on 12-07-2012 by willay]
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by evilrob
Let’s pay a security firm £200m to fail to provide adequate security to put on what is essentially a global PR exercise that doesn’t matter, then borrow 3,500 soldiers to make up the shortfall instead of funding our hospitals. Good one.
the goverment shouldnt be bailing out hospitals who cant manage their budget correctly either though
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Registered: 16th Mar 12
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Good point - I may be wrong, but I'm fairly sure that their financial woes came from being one of the busiest A&E departments in the area (emergency = expensive), and not having enough non-emergency cases to attend to in order to balance the books.
I'd rather see my tax dollars misspent helping people in a medical emergency, than into the pockets of a private company to probably fail to prevent a terrorist atrocity while putting on a fancy show for people to run around really fast or throw things really far or swim in a clever, choreographed way.
[Edited on 12-07-2012 by evilrob]
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if you think the money for the NHS debt would go anywhere other than into the pockets of private companies you are misguided.
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Private/Public sector is another argument - I am annoyed at spunking all this cash on putting on a pointless event when we've got other, more important issues to deal with.
I am happy for the private sector to have my tax dollars if it's doing something constructive like saving lives.
If the ragheads want to blow up London they're going to regardless of how many badly-trained G4S staff or ill-prepared squaddies are present.
[Edited on 12-07-2012 by evilrob]
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They need to stop giving international aid and start spending it on the infrastructure of our own country.
Not just the NHS, but more schools, more reservoirs etc
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by Shelly
They need to stop giving international aid and start spending it on the infrastructure of our own country.
Not just the NHS, but more schools, more reservoirs etc
and let human beings die of famine? bit harsh
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Almost as bad as this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-18811974
If you say anything someone somewhere doesn't like you can get convicted now, shocking.
Registered: 28th Sep 01
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Just posted this on my FB:
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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quote: Originally posted by Russ
quote: Originally posted by Shelly
They need to stop giving international aid and start spending it on the infrastructure of our own country.
Not just the NHS, but more schools, more reservoirs etc
and let human beings die of famine? bit harsh
International Aid isn't just to supply food to those who are starving you know.
There are plenty of people in our own country who need extra help too.
I'm just saying maybe don't give as much and start repairing our own country too.