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Author Shit Pictures
Kyle T
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Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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9th Aug 12 at 19:49   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've not really looked at the used car market for a few years, last two cars have been dealer bought so I just wandered round a forecourt and picked one I liked.

As per my thread in GC though, I've been back on AT, PH, etc looking at ~3k used cars for my GF - and 90% of the adverts I click on have absolutely terrible photographs to accompany the ad. Why?! I'm no photographer by a long shot, but I can point a camera roughly in the direction of a car and make something look reasonably attractive!

It's not always poor resolution either which you can blame on a crappy camera phone, they're often blurred up to fuck, in terrible lighting and taken from the most ridiculous angles which makes the cars look daft in most cases.

People are paying to advertise the sale of their shitty cars, so why can't they spend 5minutes and put a tiny bit of effort into taking a good photograph? I find myself drawn to the few ads which have got decent photographs despite the mileage/condition/price not quite being as attractive on paper and I'm sure many people do too even if they don't realise it.

I've felt the need to make a thread about it so I guess it's wound me up a little bit

Just me?

Lotus Elise 111R

Impreza WRX STi
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9th Aug 12 at 20:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i think a lot of people are embaressed about taking pics of there car, so they just run out quick and get what they can before they are seen
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9th Aug 12 at 20:14   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Kyle T
I find myself drawn to the few ads which have got decent photographs despite the mileage/condition/price not quite being as attractive on paper and I'm sure many people do too even if they don't realise it.
This is pure psychology and something we rely on heavily in marketing.

I've always been baffled at some of the photos that make their way in to car ads.

Having a wife in the industry, I've brought it to her attention every time one of their dealers used a crap picture. So she went on investigation.
Turns out, there really is no explanation. The pictures are taken by the sales team, and they honestly don't notice if a photo is shaken, out of focus or so under exposed you can hardly make anything out.

In this case, the result was that they hire student and freelance photographers to take their pictures as the sales people don't know how to work a point and click and have no intention of learning it. What a strange breed of people...

[Edited on 09-08-2012 by Balling]

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9th Aug 12 at 20:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Steve makes a good point too in my opinion.

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Kyle T
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Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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9th Aug 12 at 20:34   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I suppose embarrasment may come into it for some people, when you're selling something potentially worth thousands of pounds I'd happily shelf embarrasment for 5 minutes

Lotus Elise 111R

Impreza WRX STi

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