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Author How much is it worth? (sorry i know these pop up all the time)

Registered: 21st Oct 09
User status: Offline
17th Sep 12 at 19:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well after changing the spark plugs on my 1.0 the electrodes fell off of the number 3 plug and went in the down the hole, i did notice the plug was missing these bits but thought it must had happend long ago. Put the new ones in and turned it over with a lot of noise and realised that the missing pieces in fact fell off as I removed the plug. Took the plug out and fished out the pieces of the old plug but it now runs on 2 cylinders (haha). I also noticed that the threads on that particular cylinder and definatley crossed/fudged as I couldnt get that plug as tight as the others.

Basically I'm going to need a new head (to fix the threaded plug socket) and probably a valve or 2 plus and an ignition pack as the other one is definatley dodgy, again around cylinder 3.

Car is in good nick, basic envoy model in Satin Red (burgandy?) with curbed 15" fox rims with 2 new toyos on the front, 1 toyo and a budget on the rear (all really good tread). No exhaust/brake/suspension mods at all. Remote central locking (aftermarket and professionally installed by a local company, still have receipt). Body work is good with a noticable scratch on the wing and little ones around where the keyhole used to be, debadged grill (still have original) really solid underneath too. Milage around 70K. Interior is all complete, no rips or tears just needs a clean.

Just passed M.O.T last month so has 11 months on that and 7 months Tax too.

How much do you think i could get for it as I dont think its worth me repairing, nor do I have the funds to fix it.

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