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Author Child abductions (separate to April)
Jamie Walby

Registered: 15th Nov 04
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5th Oct 12 at 11:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Balling
I saw a great documentary yesterday about eastern european gangsters kidnapping girls and keeping them as sex slaves or selling them on.

The gang was well organised and operated through various cells, mostly in France.

The documentary centered on a dad who went looking for his daughter who had been kidnapped from an apartment in Paris after being tagged by a spotter at the airport.

Luckily he was able to use his CIA training to easily hunt down all the perpetrators and kill them off one by one until he located his daughter and brought her home safe.


Registered: 2nd Sep 08
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5th Oct 12 at 11:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Balling
I saw a great documentary yesterday about eastern european gangsters kidnapping girls and keeping them as sex slaves or selling them on.

The gang was well organised and operated through various cells, mostly in France.

The documentary centered on a dad who went looking for his daughter who had been kidnapped from an apartment in Paris after being tagged by a spotter at the airport.

Luckily he was able to use his CIA training to easily hunt down all the perpetrators and kill them off one by one until he located his daughter and brought her home safe.

I saw a similar documentary on BBC Three the other day, Girl gets kidnapped by spotters at the airport but the youngest son and family dog go and kill all the bad guys and bring her home
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Registered: 14th Oct 08
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5th Oct 12 at 11:41   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That's a bizarre one Whittie. Conviction based on zero real evidence with Two of the witness statements from people who are already prisoners and what sounds like a dad who wanted him locked away forever. Am I the only one who wondered if the prisoners would get some sort of benefit from "snitching"? I.e easier prison life/ protection/ reduced sentence in the way of guards saying they were behaving? Maybe I watch too many films...

When I was about 8 or 9 me and two friends had popped to shop at the top of the road and on way home (in broad daylight, about 1pm) had a bloke in his car stop and ask if we wanted a lift home. Of course we said no, to which he got quite ratty, demanding we got in the car. We ran away when he made to get out of the car! That was many moons ago though.

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