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quote: Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
quote: Originally posted by Sean-B
quote: Originally posted by Corsa_Sport21
No, thats an XE. Was for sale up this way a few weeks ago. Had some BBS RX splits fitted. Was only up for about £1k.
Say what?!?!
Got a link to the advert? I'd buy that back for £1000 all day long!

[Edited on 09-12-2012 by Sean-B]
Was that your old 1?? T231 KVR?? Thought that was owned by some1 else on here??
Yea was mine mate T231KVR and K300SDB are the same car. Was lovely sold it for £2650! So surprised to hear it for sale for £1K!!
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
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I will try and find a link to the for sale ad. It was posted all over facebook and gumtree, seller had been banned from driving and was desperate to get rid.
Registered: 12th Nov 10
Location: Lancashire
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I'd be interested in the link aswell.
All these black corsas look great. Im really liking that black one with the gsi kit on speedlines, looks perfect and so simple!
Registered: 13th Apr 08
Location: Leven, Fife. Drives : 205 GTi
User status: Offline
Can't find anything for it now, must have sold and been removed.
I know who the seller was, let me try find there FB and will fire up the link.
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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i dont know where to go with mine... it was only ever intended to be a winter daily car but after sorting a few issues and some petty ones ongoing, its starting to grow on me... standard centre pipe with a XXXXXL silencer keeps it nice and quiet, 1.2 badges still on, decent body work, solid chassis.... thinking ether refurb the cesaros in silver (sightly more standard look) or get some steels.... dont want to be spending loads on it tbh as MEC is where my heart is... just waiting for the spare time to get on it
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
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Do the wheels silver. Will look much better 
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Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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cheers, black drums too but what about calipers?
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
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Depends if you want to keep them clean or not.
Black would be best if you can't be arsed with that. On a black car even though they aren't brembos red calipers I think look alright although I'm sure people will hate me for suggesting it 
Silver calipers are what I've done just to make them stand out but not in your face 
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Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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hoses in the bay are all orange though so dont think red will be rite
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
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Black or silver imo then mate Little bits like that and the wheels really tidy a car up
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Premium Member
Registered: 21st Nov 11
Location: Kent
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Silver cesaros and black calipers it'll look 10x better.