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Author Things which annoy me...

Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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   15th Jul 03 at 23:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

People who take their pets on vacation. To YOUR place. The guy who takes up a parking space and a half, especially when it’s some fancy sports car. Once a year, I find myself leaving a note that says the same thing each time: “Hey fcukwit, learn how to park. Love Paul.”. I giggle for days about it, then I won’t see one parked like that for MONTHS. What about the people who keep telling you to get call waiting, because you’re online all the time? I tell them to get a carrier pigeon. Invariably, when you are in a hurry, there is always some putz in front of you DEDICATED to obeying the speed limit, as though his life depended on it. People who cannot spell in their emails make me want to beat them senseless. I’m not talking about that one little wierd tic, like mine, which is mispelling “thier”. I am speaking of people who can’t spell simple abbreviations, like “who’s” for “who is” (as opposed to whose for ‘who is’ which is WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!). Or the idiots who use all capitals! In THIS day and age! KILL THEM! I also hate peopke who pretend to know more about computers than they really do. They have no idea how stupid they appear. “Actually, you CAN make it download faster by moving the mouse around” one computer “genius” once told me. Asshole. People who use false flattery should die horribly, as should people who want to do you favors so that you will owe them one later on. Ever attempt to UNSUBSCRIBE to ANY service you have to pay for? They WON’T let you , until you threaten them with imminent death, or a lawsuit. Someone tries to guilt you into giving to thier charity, or pressure you into buying some stupid door to door crap. You say no SIX times. They don’t get the hint. Or, you watch someone else try to be POLITE to these assholes, even AFTER no number six.

Registered: 1st Sep 01
Location: Dudley, West Midlands
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15th Jul 03 at 23:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

don't like much do ya?
Rob H

Registered: 28th Oct 00
Location: Staffordshire Drives: Astra SRi
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15th Jul 03 at 23:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Things that annoy me:

Shit drivers who dont know what road markings mean, and obviously must think there their for decoration. Nerly every journey i get some twat pulling into the feeder lane too early, and nearly taking me out (theres two feeder lanes back to back, clearly separated by a thick, un broken white line, yet the still pull over into the first lane)

Like you say, people who take up more than one space. If you that bothered about it, dont use car parks. Woman where i work usually takes up 2 spaces, even though one of them is and end space. IF YOU COULD FUCKING DRIVE, YOUD BE ABLE TO PARK IT RIGHT NEAR THE CURB, LEAVING A 4 FOOT GAP BETWEEN THE NEXT SPACE!!!!

Retarded porters where i work that never collect trolleys, which are then liable to hit my car

Hot weather at night. I can never sleep

[Edited on 15-07-2003 by Rob H]

Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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16th Jul 03 at 00:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


what does that mean ??????????????

hate PEOPLE who can't spell...

Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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16th Jul 03 at 00:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I hate ppl who never look at lane markings at roundabouts and always go in the
wrong lane u know they are going to do it so I hang back then give then a barp on the horn

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