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Author Finding out stuff about your car....

Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Republic of Ireland
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29th May 13 at 10:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So when I decided to put my GSi back on the road a few years ago it was found the head gasket was gone.
No big deal, head off, skimmed and put back on. Did a rr soon after made 105hp.

Roll on a few years and I am chatting to the mechanic who did the head for me, discussing options on a refresh on the engine and I mention how I need to keep my C16 head.....

So after a few minutes of him mumbling away he tells me the engineering company who skimmed the head fuked it up, took too much and rendered my head a brick....

So it turns out my C16XE is now running the head off a 1.6 Zafira which he had the engineering company port and polish at their cost in compensation....

With the fact the current head has been ported and polished and the fact the car still made very good power on the rr is there any reason I should be searching out a c16 head?

I have a mantzel sitting here waiting to go on, does it make it any more difficult or easy with that head on it?
Ian W

Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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29th May 13 at 11:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If it's working perfectly fine then leave it imo

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