Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Went yesterday coz i was a dirty boy this year and im finally witrh someone who i like and we agreed to both get it done just incase (in the meantime we'd gone back to using Johnies).
It wasnt a pleasent experience but fortunatly i didnt have anything, just gota ring next week for the HIV results which is gunna be scary but still im glad i went its a wait off!!!
Registered: 1st Aug 02
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Yeah i have been it is a bit werid like.
I went with a friend also.
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Never been cos I've only ever been with one bloke
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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yes last year and for a full year prior (after my 2nd baby) i had to have a couple operations and numerous checkups and its standard procedure to get checked for infection each time they did it incase u have somat and the op makes the infection worse
glad to say ive always been clean
Registered: 8th May 02
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isit just a piss test? ive heard stories about japs eyes being invaded.
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yeah they shove something like a pipe cleaner down it to scrape it out for swabbing
Registered: 8th May 02
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my mate went to docs and just had 2 piss in a tube. r u trying 2 scare me?
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Nope u do a piss test after!!!
they put it down your japs eye mate - not nice and is very uncomfortable!!! only lats bout 10 secons or so!!!
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quote: Originally posted by Foz
my mate went to docs and just had 2 piss in a tube. r u trying 2 scare me?
why would i want to scare you?!
i think its really good you guys get checked out when your thinking of going with someone seriously. my fella did too. makes you feel like your worth more than some dirty tramp and that they respect you.
well done those resposible fellas
yzf-r6 (stella Man)
Registered: 16th Nov 03
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my little man wouldnt like that, hed shrivle up and try to hide
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Thank u shelly!!
Registered: 8th May 02
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my mate did it after he fuked 2 on holiday and come bk n told his bird, then went 4 a clhlamidia test whcih is the piss 1. i supose the japs eye test is 4 all other STDs. can docs do these?
the smaller ur dick the less the Swab has 2 travel.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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some docs will do them but they preferu to go to the specialised clinic
i think id rather see a specialist
also i know that if u go and say i want to be tested for chlymedia they will test u for everything. if u go and ask for a specific test then obviously u have reason to beleive u have been in contact with the virus meanin there could be others hangin around too
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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yes the doctors can do them too
Registered: 8th May 02
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my mate slept with a girl from Samalia on holiday, this was y he went.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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well i am almost 100% sure they would of tested for everythin and he would of had the swabs taken from his penis too
Registered: 8th May 02
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he had a piss test, he obviously never told the doc he slept with a samalian.
i mite b brave and get tested if sum1 will hold my hand.
yzf-r6 (stella Man)
Registered: 16th Nov 03
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the thought of it sends shivers down my spine but i guess if it has to be done
Registered: 5th Oct 01
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quote: Originally posted by Foz
he had a piss test, he obviously never told the doc he slept with a samalian.
i mite b brave and get tested if sum1 will hold my hand.
this is the reason why infections are spread from abroad and why aids came from africa
ure supposed to tell them if u sleep with a foreigner
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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I went to the GUM clinic which is a Sexual health clinic! I hat the worx! Japs eye is for all Sti and the blood test is for HIV, clamidia and goneria (sp.)
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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I have a big willy so it bloody hurt!!!!!!
Registered: 28th Aug 02
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Been 3 times im a good girl now tho
Registered: 28th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by Evisu
I went to the GUM clinic which is a Sexual health clinic! I hat the worx! Japs eye is for all Sti and the blood test is for HIV, clamidia and goneria (sp.)
can check for clamydia n goneria through the sample they take, not through blood test.
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Good to know everything is sweet!!
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Non-specific urethritis, which simply means an inflammation or infection of the urethra, is a term which includes infection by chlamydia. Men and women suffering from this infection may complain of an intense burning sensation when passing water. There may also be a white discharge. It actually causes few problems for men other than this discomfort but can be disastrous if it is passed on to women. This condition is often free of symptoms in women. It is not only the single biggest cause of infection of the Fallopian tubes (pelvic inflammatory disease), leading to infertility and ectopic pregnancy (a potentially lethal condition where the baby attaches to the wall of the Fallopian tube instead of the wall of the womb), but can cause blindness and pneumonia in a child born to an infected woman. Condoms provide almost total protection.
Treatment: Chlamydia is treatable with antibiotics.
Hepatitis B
Although Hepatitis B is one of the more deadly sexually transmitted diseases, there is now a protective vaccine to prevent it. Even so, the number of infected people is rising steadily and stands at roughly 700 men each year. It can cause as little as a flu-like illness or as much as total destruction of the liver. Typically, it will cause different degrees of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes). This is caused by the build-up of a pigment which is normally broken down by the liver.
Most people will not need immunisation but, depending upon your lifestyle, it may be wise to speak to your GP. It is transmitted in the same way as HIV, that is, by bodily fluids. It only needs a tiny fraction of a drop of blood to transmit the disease. For this reason it can be caught from sharing a toothbrush or kissing when there is bleeding from the gums. Worse still, the virus can survive a week or more in the dried state and so can be picked up from, for instance, a razor. There is no way of knowing if the person you are having sex with has the infection. The incubation period, that is, how long it takes before the illness appears, is six months from the time of infection. Some people can 'carry' the virus and not know.
Genital Herpes
This is the third most common STI. Roughly 50% of people who have had one attack never have another. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) comes in two forms, HSV I and HSV II. Both infect the same places and are likely to infect parts of the body where two types of skin meet together. Both forms can infect the corners of the mouth, the outer parts of the genital areas and even the anus. Both cause crusted blisters and then ulcers that weep a thin, watery substance. This substance is highly infectious, since it contains the virus that causes the condition. Herpes comes in attacks which can last for months and then disappear for years, or even never return. You are definitely infectious while you still have the sores. Even when sores are not present, it might be possible to pass on the infection. Other illnesses and stress can bring on these attacks. For some people, the condition will pass unnoticed, with only tiny ulcers on the penis to show its presence.
Treatment: Anti-viral drugs can be applied directly to the affected skin or taken orally. They are most effective if they are used before the sores break out. This is signalled by a tingling, itchy, painful sensation in the affected area. They are only effective during the first attack in some people and have not been shown to have any effect on later attacks. Condoms with a spermicide appear to offer greater protection than those without. You need to arrange your sex life around the condition if you are having an attack, as this means you are highly infectious. Otherwise, the use of condoms gives maximum protection for your partner.
Genital warts
Papilloma viruses, which cause warts, can affect any part of the skin. The virus can be transmitted by physical contact, including sex. Like the warts commonly seen on people's hands, they can vary in size from tiny skin tags to large fungating masses like cauliflowers. One in eight people going to GUM clinics has genital warts. Around 100,000 people are treated for these warts each year in the UK, many more may simply put up with them, and many people do not even know they have them. They may be a factor in causing cervical cancer in women and rectal cancer in gay men.
Treatment: There are drugs which can be applied directly to warts which will cause them to disappear. Liquid nitrogen is now used less often as it can leave a painful 'burn' in such sensitive areas. Genital warts usually cause little discomfort, although they are often itchy and may bleed with scratching. Use a condom to prevent catching them in the first place.
Although a potentially serious condition, syphilis is now very rare in the UK. It is caused by a spirochete, a microscopic parasite, which is highly infectious. Most people are unaware of the infection but if it is not treated, it can develop over a number of years into a condition which can affect the brain. Women show few signs of the infection in the early stages, except for small ulcers around the vagina, so it can go unnoticed by the woman or by her partner during intercourse. The parasite cannot pass through a condom, so this will give almost 100% protection.
Treatment: Penicillin that is given as a single, large dose can be given by injection and should cure the condition if it is caught in the early stages.
Causing a yellow or green discharge from the penis and vagina, this microscopic parasite lives in the urinary tract and usually causes pain when passing water but can sometimes have no symptoms. When it has no effect on the male partner but the female partner complains of a smelly green discharge from the vagina, tests may show its presence in the man.
Treatment: The parasite is sensitive to the antibiotic metronidazole.
Caused by a bacterium, this disease is commonly misdiagnosed as it can often give only a few symptoms. It is commonly known as 'the clap' from the French word clapoir, meaning sexual sore. Gonorrhoea is not rare. It can cause a yellow or white discharge from the penis or vagina, along with pain on passing water. When infecting the anus there can be a similar discharge. Most of the symptoms of infection will start within five days of infection and include a vague ache of the joints and muscles. Although these can disappear after a further 10 or so days, the person is still infectious. It can make it harder for people to conceive if it is not treated.
Treatment: Antibiotics are usually effective. Condoms provide almost 100% protection from infection.
Your choice for treatment:
You can go to either your own doctor or the local genitourinary medical clinic (GUM), which is located at one of the major hospitals in your area. Confidentiality is all-important at these clinics. You will need to be honest to the doctor who asks you questions, as it can be impossible to work out what is wrong without the correct information. You can give a false name or no name at all if you feel more comfortable, although there is no chance of anyone finding out you have been to the clinic (not even your GP) or finding out about the results of any tests.
You may need to have certain tests to get an accurate diagnosis, although it may be fairly obvious on your first visit, and the treatment may start immediately without you having to go back. It is worth remembering that the doctors and nurses who staff these clinics are professionals who see you as simply a person who, like any other patient, needs treatment.