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Author Building the site up, getting better...CONTINUED

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4th Dec 03 at 09:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I am finding this interesting to read. I think its as hell! Loving the Im A Little Tosspot pic still

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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4th Dec 03 at 09:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

basically although there is the international © mark it is not required in this country although you are adived to use it.

Deliberate infringement of copyright may be a criminal offence.

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4th Dec 03 at 09:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

LIke so


Registered: 17th Oct 00
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4th Dec 03 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Unless permission is explicitly granted, images on the web must not be downloaded except to make a single printout for personal use.

A web site may include a statement that its material may be freely re-used, or used for specific purposes and/or with specific conditions. If the person making this statement has the authority to do so (they own the copyright in the image of interest or have the owner's authority to make this statement), then you may use the material as specified. Look for a statement or link on the home page of the site, often labelled "Copyright" or "Conditions of use".

If you are compiling a web page and wish to link to an image on another site, it is generally accepted that this is legally permissible but:

You must make it clear that this image is on the other site and not part of your own site, giving the other site the credit for providing the image

It is often recommended that you should ask the other site owner's permission before linking to an image (or any page other than the home page: sometimes called "deep linking"). The site owner may wish all users to see information given on their home page (restrictions, warnings, etc), or may want to record (and maximise) the amount of traffic on the home page for advertising revenue or other purposes.

Check the home page of the site. If there is any information about linking to the site which imposes any restrictions or conditions (such as "Please do not link to this site except to the home page", or "Please inform the webmaster when making a link to this site"), you should abide by those conditions.

An image does not have to be registered with any Copyright agency in order to protect your rights, in the same way that a letter you send through the post remains your property even when the receipient has received it, opened, read and then thrown it away.

If an image appears on a website then it is not automatically public domain - even royalty-free images are provided with basic copyright terms and conditions.

If you take a photo you have full rights in where and how the photo is used.

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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4th Dec 03 at 10:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

so your saying Daimo was wrong ?

Registered: 17th Oct 00
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4th Dec 03 at 10:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I didn't fully read the previous thread, but the above is a basic breakdown of UK (and International) copyright law.

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4th Dec 03 at 10:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If Daimo said anything to the contrary, then yes, I suppose he was incorrect.
Donna Corsa GSi

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4th Dec 03 at 10:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yes but the point being is the court would laugh at you if you tried to prosecute someone where no money was lost. How can you sue for damages if its not a "money making website" unless your stupid of course.
Donna Corsa GSi

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4th Dec 03 at 10:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A good example of copyright is where girls on here scan the pictures from their photo albums that they have had done by professional photographers. It strictly says that NO copies should be made at all. I know this for a fact because I had this problem when I used to have to send them to modelling agencies when I was younger. So if you want to try and slag people off for copyright why not aim your attacks at people that could possibly be taken to court for damages due to loss of earnings.

Registered: 11th Mar 01
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4th Dec 03 at 10:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Donna Corsa GSi
Yes but the point being is the court would laugh at you if you tried to prosecute someone where no money was lost. How can you sue for damages if its not a "money making website" unless your stupid of course.

its still the law, if they didnt care there wouldnt be a law

Registered: 17th Oct 00
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4th Dec 03 at 10:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've never known a copyright issue regarding use of images on the web to go to court in the UK as ISP's are quite happy to remove the offending media, which in most cases resolves the situation.

The only time it would possibly continue to court is if there was a case for damages due to defamation of character for example.

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4th Dec 03 at 10:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Donna Corsa GSi
A good example of copyright is where girls on here scan the pictures from their photo albums that they have had done by professional photographers. It strictly says that NO copies should be made at all. I know this for a fact because I had this problem when I used to have to send them to modelling agencies when I was younger. So if you want to try and slag people off for copyright why not aim your attacks at people that could possibly be taken to court for damages due to loss of earnings.

So who scanned in your photos that were on Daimo's site?
Donna Corsa GSi

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4th Dec 03 at 10:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

But the worst that can happen is you're asked to remove the photo, unless they are extremely rich with a lot of time on their hands they're not going to take you to court are they. People link to pictures all the time on here including the people that are winging.

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4th Dec 03 at 11:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Exactly - no-one's condoning linking to images, just stating that it's illegal.

It's also illegal to drive without wearing a seatbelt, speed, smoke cannabis, etc but that doesn't stop a good percentage of the population from committing those crimes.
Donna Corsa GSi

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4th Dec 03 at 11:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Joff
Originally posted by Donna Corsa GSi
A good example of copyright is where girls on here scan the pictures from their photo albums that they have had done by professional photographers. It strictly says that NO copies should be made at all. I know this for a fact because I had this problem when I used to have to send them to modelling agencies when I was younger. So if you want to try and slag people off for copyright why not aim your attacks at people that could possibly be taken to court for damages due to loss of earnings.

So who scanned in your photos that were on Daimo's site?

I did But surely thats my business not anyones on here. Them photos are 6 years old anyway. And I used to photocopy them and send them to agencies, but again thats my business.

You're just being petty cause your sad and got nothing better to do. Like working maybe

Or maybe you could tell us about the major copyright rules a certain company broke when they stole their new logo.

[Edited on 04-12-2003 by Donna Corsa GSi]

Registered: 11th Mar 01
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4th Dec 03 at 11:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

who cares they are just photos
Donna Corsa GSi

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4th Dec 03 at 11:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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4th Dec 03 at 11:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's not being petty and yes it's your business, but it's still relevant with regards to the above comments you made on scanning photos from profession photographers.

I have plenty of things to do, which I'm able to do at the same time, thx for your concern.

I could tell you about the major copyright rules if I had a clue what you're on about


Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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4th Dec 03 at 11:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So vibrio do us all a favour and fcuk off with your 'theories' get in the real world who gives a shit if it's the law, it's obviously not that important to anyone as there have been no incidents of this going to court in the uk, why do u give a shit, oh yeah I 4got it's cos' you're a child and you have to start an arguement everytime you reply to daimo's posts, please just grow up

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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4th Dec 03 at 11:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Tom D
So vibrio do us all a favour and fcuk off with your 'theories' get in the real world who gives a shit if it's the law, it's obviously not that important to anyone as there have been no incidents of this going to court in the uk, why do u give a shit, oh yeah I 4got it's cos' you're a child and you have to start an arguement everytime you reply to daimo's posts, please just grow up

it's not a theory its fact and law
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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4th Dec 03 at 12:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

U lot STILL going on And you dont think your obsessed??

2 more pictures.

Wonder what are the chances of reporting this to the police and the internet laws surround harrasment.

Hmmm, interesting No wonder the things are going round about u


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4th Dec 03 at 12:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Daimo B
U lot STILL going on And you dont think your obsessed??

2 more pictures.

Wonder what are the chances of reporting this to the police and the internet laws surround harrasment.

Hmmm, interesting No wonder the things are going round about u

Donna Corsa GSi

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4th Dec 03 at 12:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Joff
It's not being petty and yes it's your business, but it's still relevant with regards to the above comments you made on scanning photos from profession photographers.

I have plenty of things to do, which I'm able to do at the same time, thx for your concern.

I could tell you about the major copyright rules if I had a clue what you're on about

Nearly everyone on this website breaks the law with regards to copyright but the only reason why it has been brought up now is because its something Damiens done. Because some people on here are that sad and pathetic they have to watch and comment on his every move. Its sooooooo sad it makes me laugh.

Yup it is my concern thank you

And I won't comment because im not willing to cause any problems with people I care about.

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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4th Dec 03 at 12:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Donna Corsa GSi
Originally posted by Joff
It's not being petty and yes it's your business, but it's still relevant with regards to the above comments you made on scanning photos from profession photographers.

I have plenty of things to do, which I'm able to do at the same time, thx for your concern.

I could tell you about the major copyright rules if I had a clue what you're on about

Nearly everyone on this website breaks the law with regards to copyright but the only reason why it has been brought up now is because its something Damiens done. Because some people on here are that sad and pathetic they have to watch and comment on his every move. Its sooooooo sad it makes me laugh.

Yup it is my concern thank you

And I won't comment because im not willing to cause any problems with people I care about.

I only asked him a question about some of his pictures that is all
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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4th Dec 03 at 12:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Good old Penfold

He likes a good noshing

And some fucking, Penfold style

And although quick to slag off women, he is best pleased by

But which is the smarter and more loved? Obvioulsy the dog?

No original photos have been kept the same so i assume ownership of these pictures therefor the copyright is mine (bar the 3rd one, u can keep that)

[Edited on 04-12-2003 by Daimo B]

[Edited on 04-12-2003 by Daimo B]

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