Registered: 20th Oct 03
Location: Walsall West Mids
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Now we are all, at some time in our life, a victim of a pikey attack / taunt. They could be standing outside your house shouting at fellow pikeys on scooters or down the local clinic get free condoms for there fat pikey girlfriends called Donna. So which, out of the following, is the worst pikey?
- The fat female pikey. Slight whif of B.O, usually pushing a pram with ugly kid in and smoking / drinking a can of special brew.
- The thin / scrawny female pikey with 1 or 2 STD's through years of 'suck ya cock for a fag' and wearing a mixture of rockport / adidas
-The unshaven male pikey. These are the worst IMO. They usually 'hang' in groups with excess amounts of Carling / fags and SO SOLID CREW on their portable £9.99 boom box from Argos. Will start fight if you breath within a 100 yard radius. Things to look out for -
Bum fluff on face
Numerous ear rings
McDonalds burger somewhere close
Strange smell of fish and onion
- The apprentice pikey. An up and coming gypo. Usually have a strange walk (like they have been ass raped by KING KONG) and comb there hair down in front of there caps. Still live with threr parents so are not allowed out after 10pm. Best to beat the shit out of them at this stage before there 'cru' start.
[Edited on 19-12-2003 by NeilRocks]
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Registered: 21st May 03
Location: Stockport
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-The unshaven male pikey
this is by far the worst. i demand each and every one of you to beat the shit outta these people upon site.
the amount i see walking around my shop is unreal, i just wanna turn into a super hero to wipe rid of all these mofos.
and the pants tuckd in the socks *grr*
Registered: 25th May 01
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i think people use the different terms to mean different people
darlington - never heard of a pikey
sheffield - pikey is a gypsy/traveller
south - pikey is a adidas wearing townie as descibed above
can some1 confirm?
Registered: 21st May 03
Location: Stockport
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scally / scrote / pikey / fuckwit,. all mean the same as my first post up in manchester.
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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i can comfirm a pikey is a loser,dosser,waste of the population,no prospects or constructive future
Registered: 5th Jun 00
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bum fluff havent heard that in years
go to belfast city centre & check out the bum fluff brigade
[Edited on 19-12-2003 by Gambit]
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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Registered: 26th May 02
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quote: Originally posted by M2RV H
i think people use the different terms to mean different people
darlington - never heard of a pikey
sheffield - pikey is a gypsy/traveller
south - pikey is a adidas wearing townie as descibed above
can some1 confirm?
no down south pikeys are people that live in caravans, have no jobs and start fights all the time (Snatch is a prime example of a pikey)
the description u gave for the south is a chav
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
Location: Luton : Drives : Vectra B Sri
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the worst pikey is
Registered: 27th Aug 03
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Sez YOU when THIS is YOUR house
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
Location: Luton : Drives : Vectra B Sri
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your special school education is catching up with you trace.....
that is NOT a house its a CARAVAN
bless her......
Registered: 28th Feb 01
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I'm supprised Daimo has not attacked you yet
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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daimo is the role model for manic stressheads
Registered: 22nd Nov 02
Location: LUTON (yeah i know its a shithole)
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My mate actually broke down outside a Pikey Camp.
Car wouldn't tick over. So we decided to bump it.
All the little pikeys came out to help to push.
Anyway my mate agreed to let the little fucker be the 1 inside the car to bump it.
Were all pushing and blup it starts. So my mate goes to get the little Cnut out and we will be on our way. BUT NO. The little fcuker decides to speed off down the road. Couple of hand brake turns and wheelspins later he brings the car back. I actually found this quite funny as it wasnt my car. My mate was screwing. Keeping in mind that this little 10-12 year old could of nicked his car.
That is my bad experience with the Tramps
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
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a piket thieving bastard in chelt, is sum1 who during the day wears
a burberry (or sum other) cap with a tracksuit that tucked into his football socks and a pair of rockport or reebok classic shoes on.
then at night:-
has a ben sherman shirt on with thick gelled hair that has been brush forward with the garden rake and sum sort of gold necklace and jeans on still wearing the rockport shoes.