Registered: 15th Jun 03
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bin wiv my gf for 9months now. and to be honest its got a bit more serious than i eva wanted it to originally. We have had some big arguements lately tho. I really wanna be with her and everything, and the thought of not being with her aint a good one. But i'm goin on lads hols and uni come august and october. So i will have to finish with her then anyways, long distance relationship wont work, we've both agreed.
Anyways the main things putting me off finishing with her now is - missing her, hitting any guys i see pulling her and missing the sex. Really dunno wot to do.
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
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You never realise what you have till its gone
Registered: 11th May 02
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quote: Originally posted by Ally
You never realise what you have till its gone
or dont get
sooo need a lady
Darren M
Registered: 22nd Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by Ally
You never realise what you have till its gone
grass is never greener on the other side mate
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Ally
You never realise what you have till its gone
yea agreed 
about a month ago, i was like if my bird finished with me i'd be alright dont love her etc. Now, im thinking twice, shes slowly growing on me...plus shes horny'er than anything so waaaaayyyyhaaayyy 
But yea mate, if you think you can live with out her, then go for it mate...then again like you said, the times gonna come soon anyways with uni etc
Registered: 15th Jun 03
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women more trouble than they're worth. don't fink i'll get into serious relationships again after this.
Registered: 27th Sep 01
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dump her and send her to me
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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do it now , coz if u do it when u start uni u will have that shite feelin , id get it over and start fresh l8r on
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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long distance relationships do work you just need to put more effort in
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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uni life is all about fuckin as many lasses as possible , if u r with sum1 u r holding back and missing sum gr8 times.
best for both of u , mikey how does it work if u only see her mayb evey month? tis impossible
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: Stoke + Wolves - Corsa Sport
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im at uni and in 3rd year amazin time
why throw your shoes away now when u aint got a new pair waitin to put on, if you do then u have to walk round bare foot for ages!
keep her, then when u go to uni, find another girl and then dump her!
hows that
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: Stoke + Wolves - Corsa Sport
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or cud try not tellin nyone u have a bird and see how long u get away with it
just incase my ex reads this board then this is a completely random number - 19 days
Registered: 28th Dec 00
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
uni life is all about fuckin as many lasses as possible , if u r with sum1 u r holding back and missing sum gr8 times.
best for both of u , mikey how does it work if u only see her mayb evey month? tis impossible
They can work mate. my bird lives in Essex and been seeing each other 7 month. just needs a bit of effort and see each other at weekends.
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
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just keep poppin back for some sex,and see her a bit and then go back to uni and carry on shaggin everything you see, ith thimple
[Edited on 15-01-04 by VenomTurbo]
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i can honestly say i see mikey once a week and i look forward to it so much, it gets me through the week sometimes knowing that i'll see him at the weekend.
if you love each other it does work. me and mikey have been together 19months and we are still happy (well i am )
and if you dont love her, what are you doing with her anyway.
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: Stoke + Wolves - Corsa Sport
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just bonk loads of birds, thats what being young is all about, and if u cant face leaving her, then stay with her and make sure she dont find out bout all the birds ur bonking at uni!!!!!!
Registered: 15th Jun 03
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im only just 18 i'm not in love with someone i've known for 9months. Sorry shelly.
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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well love works in mysterious ways
im 22 so maybe im getting to that age
Registered: 15th Nov 02
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quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
long distance relationships do work you just need to put more effort in
totally agree i began to see my bird in my second year at uni. I lived away and it worked out. It was well worth the effort
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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plenty of time where ur old for a relationship , u now need to warm up for that event by fuckin as many beautiful women as possible
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by whitter45
quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
long distance relationships do work you just need to put more effort in
totally agree i began to see my bird in my second year at uni. I lived away and it worked out. It was well worth the effort
here here, my bird is at de monfort uni, im at portsmouth uni, its all about trust a copious amounts of porn to get u through
but it is hard to say faithful, i have, and i will, but its fucking hard, and anyway alittle flirting here and there never hurt anyone
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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I'd say just have a chat to her, tell her that u r really into her and it's gonna be too hard when u have to go to uni etc, see what her reaction is and take it from there, if you do like her loads consider a long dist relationship....
I love my woman but she can't half be a pain in the arse, i'd miss her if we wern't to gether tho
Registered: 9th May 02
Location: Bedfordshire
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Wait till you go uni then at least you'll get sex right up till the last minute
Registered: 27th Sep 01
Location: south wales Drives: astra sri ecoflex
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quote: Originally posted by luca2020
quote: Originally posted by whitter45
quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
long distance relationships do work you just need to put more effort in
totally agree i began to see my bird in my second year at uni. I lived away and it worked out. It was well worth the effort
here here, my bird is at de monfort uni, im at portsmouth uni, its all about trust a copious amounts of porn to get u through
but it is hard to say faithful, i have, and i will, but its fucking hard, and anyway alittle flirting here and there never hurt anyone
i will totally agree with all of you on this point.
if its meant to work and you want it to work then it will work
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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quote: Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
long distance relationships do work you just need to put more effort in
My brother speaks the truth!