Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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Another crappy (yet exciting) night on the doors.
We had some black chaps (not being racist, just stating they was black) from out of town, London i think.
Anyway it's kicked off inside the club with them, a scuffle takes place and the main guy hits a doorman over the head with a glass ashtray. We get them outside, but as we're grappling with them the same guy bites a chunk out of another doormans neck! (proper Dracular style).
We have the animal pinned to the floor (waiting for the police to arrive), all seems calm and then his mates start kicking off so it all goes up in the air again.
The police arrive and handcuffed the main guy whilst i help them with some of the mates. As i'm holding one of the mates to the ground so the police could cuff him the dirty f*cking animal (who's being taken to the riot van) spits a mouthful of his blood all over the side of my head. I couldn't do anything as i was surrounded by police, and value my door licence too much. I just had to swallow my pride and allow it - i was livid.
We got the usual crap that he's coming back to put a bullet in us. His mate assulted a police officer so i hope they both have a nice night in the cells.
[Edited on 17-01-2004 by Craig W]
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: London .................. Drives: Astra IV
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Are they just gonna have a night in the cells, no charges or anything?
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
User status: Offline
They'll be charged, they should be anyway! They smashed a couple of windows at the front of the club too.
Having said that, not long ago the police arrested someone for an incident at the club, handcuffed him, took him away in the meat wagon etc - he was outside the back of the club at the end of the night...
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: London .................. Drives: Astra IV
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Sounds fucked up to me should be charged and banged up for a while imo
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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Should be caged like a filthy animal.
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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if they do come back , knock them to fcuk
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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yeh.... but how many times have i been arrested due to arsehole cocky bouncers thinking there it 
You get some good bouncers, and you get the ones who are trying to show off for some reason.
I got banged up for asking what was happening (getting bundled into the riot wagon by the coppers) to stocker.... welll... i got cautiond for that.... I got nicked for calling the filth officer a fucking wanker or something 
then kissed the pavement....
We got turfed out of a 'black' night club or some shit..... then when we asked why.... we got all this shit
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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must admit , ive DJ'ed at a few clubs and the bouncers have been wankers , and abusive till they find out your the one thats gonna be entertaining there crowd
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
User status: Offline
Adam, i agree. Some doormen are complete and utter tosspots. You get good and bad in everything. You get good cops, you get bad cops. You get fat women, you get thin women.
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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quote: Originally posted by Craig W
You get fat women, you get thin women.
dont have to tell adam that one
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Nismo
must admit , ive DJ'ed at a few clubs and the bouncers have been wankers , and abusive till they find out your the one thats gonna be entertaining there crowd
Ive worked at some clubs where the DJ's have been wankers, all high & mighty, and abusive till they find out we're the ones saving their bacon when someone has them up against the throat for telling them to f*ck off just for requesting a song 
See, good and bad in everything 
I chucked one of our DJ's out once for doing drugs in the toilet. One of his mates had to carry on for him
Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
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I got chucked out of a club once by this brick shithouse for smokin the herb, funny thing was, i was ment to be DJin in the next 20 minutes, cant blame him, he was just doin his job, got back in just in time and tore it up, even the bouncer who chucked me out said good thing i got back in cos i played some banging choons.
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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you see you get good dj's and you get bad dj's
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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moral of the story is good and bad in everybody.....
I got lifted for doormans attitude b4.....
but hey ho thats life ain't it....
Registered: 22nd Nov 02
Location: LUTON (yeah i know its a shithole)
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Craig what club is it you work in??
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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sounds like another good nite in bedford craig to behonest though, you will get this outside any club so it aint a biggy, although i would have smacked the git that spat blood in my face - dirty ho