Registered: 26th Feb 01
Location: Lancs
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Any opinions on them? I can get the Z4 for £250, plus another £30 for a 128mb card.
Basically I want a small cam that still takes very good pictures and is easy to use, I like the little docking thing it comes with that sends pictures to comp via USB, seems a tidy way of doing it.
Also, whats the diffeence between secure digital cards and multi media cards?
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
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Registered: 26th Feb 01
Location: Lancs
User status: Offline
Pretty good reviews really, the UK version can take 60sec movies too which it seems the American one cant
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Yup, looks like good reviews on there......pretty helpful site, I used that when buying my current camera (Nikon Coolpix 3100)......the only major downfall mentioned when I looked was the fact it eats batteries, and since it takes 2 AA's at a time and I have 24 of them, I didn't see that as a problem!
Registered: 26th Feb 01
Location: Lancs
User status: Offline
Hehe, I'm gonna go ahead and buy it I reckon, before I do though which card do I get, secure digital or multi media, whats the difference?
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Not entirely sure, to be honest......ask the shop, when you go to buy the camera, probably your best bet.
Registered: 26th Feb 01
Location: Lancs
User status: Offline
I'm getting it off Amazon!! Its more like £280+ in the shops.
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
User status: Offline
I got the Z4 for Christmas. Great little camera for its size - can do high-res pictures. the auto-focus is quick but struggles in the dark but pics come out ok.
My folks have a Nikkon Cool Pix - and compared to that the Casio isn't as good. the Cool pics - you can zoom into the image on the PC to 200% and still not have pixellation whereas the Casio shows Jpeg style compression-related quality loss. Its ok at 100% but doesn't seem as 'sharp'
Sayin that, the cameras so tiny that you can keep it in your pocket. Uses a lthium battery like mobile phones - charges in the cradle.
the viewfinders the best bit - its huge! point and click - what you see is what you get and the pic screens perfect for viewing. view finders a little tiny too!
I got the camera for £280 when it was £350. I got a free Exilsim case (£20) and a 64mb card whcih stores about 7 pics at full res, full quality.
the video's good -fairly low-res but pics sound up well. can record voice, use it as an alarm too.
dock the camera, press the usb button and windows pics it up ready for editing.
Nice camera, but the Nikkons beat it for quality - but your right - Nikkons eat batteries - this one doesn't.
Review over