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i'm tryin to loose 1/2 a stone i put on over xmas, whats quickest way to get rid of it. Have been running about 1.5 mile 5 4 or 5 days a week but doesn't seem to be doing much.
[Edited on 12-02-2004 by transca]
[Edited on 12-02-2004 by transca]
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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whats ur diet? and how long does it take for u to run that far in minutes?
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just claim you have "amnesia Belimia" you eat loads but forgot to throw it up.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Atkins + Exercise
Registered: 11th Apr 01
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Stop eating...
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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forget diets, plently of exercise will do it!!
Registered: 28th Feb 01
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reduce calory intake by reducing sugar and fat. east more veg and exercise.
Registered: 5th Jun 02
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skip a meal e.g. lunch or breakfast not dinner tho
Registered: 7th Sep 03
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best way to loose weight, dont be greedy which ends up making it all pile on.
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EXERCISE..... nothing else bets it 
pew pew pew pewwwww
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cut ur tonstils out or insert the tonsilitus virus into urself
i had my tonsils out a year ago and lost almost 2 stone in2-3 weeks i just cudnt eat or drink at all
painful but successful
Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
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Stay off the alcohol for a month...
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quote: Originally posted by cheakycharlie
cut ur tonstils out or insert the tonsilitus virus into urself
i had my tonsils out a year ago and lost almost 2 stone in2-3 weeks i just cudnt eat or drink at all
painful but successful
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Oh and it does work, though I do a low carb, low fat diet with occasional treats On and Off (so isn't working 100% how its supposed to) - but lost 18 pounds so far - was my new years resolution to lose some weight + try to get fit.
Gonna lose as much fat as I can till I'm how I want to be, then build up the muscle. I do general exercise - i.e. Gym cardio vascular style stuff, skipping and running, mixed with a Atkins style diet.
My usual daily menu is,
a couple of bits of chicken for breakfast, nothing for lunch (or maybe a burger if we're down the pub - no bun, just meat), a nice Chicken / Beef / Pork - Meat based dinner with green beans and non carb veg.
Followed by Sugar Free Jelly - sometimes with a bit of cream.
Then if I'm a bit peckish a couple of nuts.
Best thing with atkins is it supresses your diet, since your body is addicted to carbohydrates - so always wants the quick fix till you take your body off em. You almost have to force yourself to eat meals since you just end up feeling full all the time.
Of course, there is temptations. Which is why I said not 100% hehe - still go for drinks with my mates, occasionally have sweets and have had a couple of meals out where I've eaten a nice meal including chips (oh and chinese) 
but not put on weight since I've started, only been losing weight - even if its only 1 to 2 pounds some weeks. First week I lost 7 pounds though! but that was my strictest.
I would like to continue losing about 2-3 pounds for a little while longer, before I stop.
Paul J
Registered: 4th Mar 01
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Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
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Atkins diet is baddddd
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Fwaza esquire
Atkins diet is baddddd
explain why?
Ok the americans think the atkins diet means - Eat as much fat as you want but no carbs... Fair play you can do that and give yourself a heart attack - but I generally don't eat any fat (definately less than I used to off diet) and keep low carbs - plus exercise.
Ok you don't get everything your body needs, but the weight loss is so rapid, once this guys lost his 1/2 a stone he can come right off.
Paul J
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get ya ass out in the cold and get running round that block 
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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at the atkins diet, did any1 see the horizon special on it?
its so simple in theory to lose weight, less calorie input and more output (e.g. exercise) but people never stick to what they should be doing
Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
Location: Dundee City Drives: 58 Impreza WRX
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Because u dont get everything u need exactly...
Cant be bothered to go into it, Need the normal balance (carbs) for synthesis off all sorts of things like Vitamins, including making bile salts from cholesterol... Hence atkins = >cholesterol etc...
If u wanna be thin at the expense of having an array of other medical problems requiring far more long term treatment...
Which is why no NHS hospital in the UK will offer any atkins diet... especially not NHS Tayside!
Registered: 15th Jul 02
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I too am doing a diet/fitness thang..
So far i have lost 7 pounds..
Its called the carb curfew:
So you can have a bowl of cerial and a glas of OJ in the morning (which i have anyways)
Then lunch is 3 slices of brown bread with ham,chicken,prawn etc etc.. cheese is good too.. also will have 2 BIG bottles of Evian throughout the day.. so thats 3l.
Then dinenr is just meat and veg.. as you are not allowed to eat carbs after 5pm.. hense the carb curfew
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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As luca said, there was a horizon special on it the other day, in actual fact the tests showed that it raised people's good cholesterol...
Well A) because people felt they were on a diet - they made the effort to do exercise more than they were previous to going on the diet.
B) As I said, depends how you wanna do it, but I personally cut most of the fats out - a lot less than I was eating previously when you actually look at the figures - You saying cutting out fats are gonna increase cholesterol?
C) the main reason Atkins works, is simply because the lack of carbs stops you feeling constantly hungry, the high intake of proteins actually make you feel full for longer. - the Out come is - you generally don't eat as much and you don't snack!
My diet menu (what I eat) is pretty much same, (except I don't have cerial, carrots or potatoes) and I've cut out all the crap, like Crisps, sweets, junk foods and constant snacking on biscuits and stuff.
So I don't see how I'm really getting less vitamins than I was since - I can see perfectly well in the dark, so the vit C I'm not getting from carrots won't be missed 
The reason the NHS doesn't tell people to do it - is because people don't know the long term effects since its still relatively new (mid 70's it was first brought up I think?).
People can't understand how people can eat as much as they want - and not put on weight - but the reason why is because people stop wanting to eat loads!!!!
Simple as.
I've never tried any other diets, but this diet is suited to males! I would hate to be on a diet where I can only eat green veg - here I can eat my favourite food type - Meat as much as I like 
Look mate, It works - I was sceptical at first and did a look on the internet and there were loads of people with their diet diarys - read a few and saw the results. Followed the rules and its proper good for short weight loss.
It's a simple Energy in - Energy out = Energy stored.
Your not taking in as much energy and your generally exercising more - so of course your gonna lose weight.
I personally feel better than I've ever felt before physically, much more awake - before I used to be quite tired a lot of the time.
Paul J
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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i dont get fat