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Author Why are some people

Registered: 14th Dec 03
Location: London
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18th Feb 04 at 00:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Such cunts?

No idea why im posting this but no-one on MSN and had to let it out. It will be an essay so if you dont care stop now

Driving home from my birds house down an A road (A12 for anyone local), sticking to speed limit pretty much and notice a set of lights which have changed lanes when i have a few times. Next thing i know a red Nissan of some sort is next to me with 5 Asians in it (presume it was 5, maybe 4 or maybe 6) They were given me all the signs you could think of, im a bit as i'd never seen them before. Anyone whose been down this road knows its just basically a long line of traffic lights and so aint really much chance of getting away, all they do is play there music loud and give me verbal and basically trying to wind me up. Revving there engine and wheelspinning off, the third time. I decide im just going to go next to them and basically get away from them cause im pissed off by now. As im sitting there ignoring them one of the bastards gobs on my passanger window just as the lights go green I floor it and get away from them a bit but the next lights are red. Im stopped but they come right up my arse and dont stop leaving it till the last minute to swerve away and into the right hand filter lane which is green. Giving me the wanker sign as they go. Why do people feel the need to do this? Felt a complete twat afterwards as basically id let them walk all over me, would anyone else on here done differently? Pissed off to say the least. Anyone in the Romford area, i think its a red Nissan Sunny, not definate but it had a red sunstrip. Ram off the road at all costs.


Sorry for the essay

Registered: 15th Oct 03
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18th Feb 04 at 00:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

coz they think there hard, saw this kinda thing happen at my local mcdonalds,306 full of asians in the drive thru order food and while the bloke process's the order they start shouting at him,bloke in the front passenger seat was going crazy and had to be held back then they burn off, we were behind them and you could tell that the bloke on til was a bit shaken up about it,i bet if you had a car full they wouldnt havent even thought about doing it to you

Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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18th Feb 04 at 00:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

when my dad had the old car (senator 3L beast) there was a black BMW 318..full of asians come to think of it lol ne way..they went zooming passed laughing at our car coz my dad don't speed much lol he got a lil mad with them and floored it, fuckin thing held me in my seat i'll tell ya that lol we had the last laugh tho

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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18th Feb 04 at 00:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hehe - I had a load of asians in a yellow punto (new style) I raced down bath road (very similar to the road you described)...

I initially didn't mean to race, but they pulled up next to me, started revinng then edging foward - I raised my revs a bit, lights went green and floored it through 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear doing around 70 and then backed off.

pulled up at the next lights - they pulled up next to me, I saw they were all moving about - I looked across and they're all mouthing something at me and pointing and smiling?

I was like wtf?

Lights went green again I thrashed em again.

Pulled up at the next lights - they were still doing all the mouthing and pointing, I looked at em and shrugged my sholders - they wound down their window, I wound down mine and they said...

'What engine is in that ?'


You should of seen his face when I said 1.2

To be fair he had a full car.

but I didn't know what they were gonna say - was quite funny they were paying my car a compliment about being quite fast.

Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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18th Feb 04 at 00:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i tend to slow right down when ppl drive up my ass they piss me off so thats my revenge to them, then about 2/3rds down the road i'll floor it and leave them behind

Registered: 14th Dec 03
Location: London
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18th Feb 04 at 00:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To be honest it scared me that some people can be that bored and that sad that it was obviously the highlight of their night. One boy on his own, proves a lot. Like you say, if i had a carful i doubt they would of done fuck all.

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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18th Feb 04 at 00:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I sometimes lock my doors if I'm alone late at night, stopped at lights people could just nick your stereo or your car.

Seen it happen in total day light before - some asians ran up to this guys car on other side of the road in slough, and just told him to get out - He was refusing to open the door, but the other just opened the passenger door and literally pushed him out!

but I was moving and gone - so assume they drove off with his car.

I'd have personally just shouted abuse at em back or spat back at their car if they had done that.... With my doors locked obviously

Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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18th Feb 04 at 01:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I would have been in the middle of the road at every traffic light meaning they can't get to the side of me (depending on the width of the road
R Lee

Registered: 15th Aug 03
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18th Feb 04 at 01:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

some people are just pricks with nothing else to do!

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