Registered: 27th Aug 03
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A Quick Quiz
The 4 Question Quiz
The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and it will tell you
whether you are qualified to be a professional. Scroll down for each answer.
The questions are NOT that difficult.
1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close
the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an
overly complicated way.
2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?
Did you say, "Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant, and close the
refrigerator?" (Wrong Answer) Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take
out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your
ability to think through the repercussions of your previous actions.
3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend
except one. Which animal does not attend?
Correct Answer: The Elephant. The elephant is in the refrigerator. You just
put him in there. This tests your memory. OK, even if you did not answer the
first thr ee questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your
true abilities.
4. There is a river you must cross but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do
you manage it?
Correct Answer: You swim across. All the crocodiles are attending the
Animal Meeting. This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.
According to Anderson Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals
they tested got all questions wrong. But many preschoolers got several
correct answers. Anderson Consulting says this conclusively disproves the
theory that most professionals have the brains of a four year old
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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clever trevor I got them all right errm honest
sxi boy
Registered: 11th Apr 02
Location: north east Drives: clio 182
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Registered: 2nd Jul 03
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Registered: 31st Jan 01
Location: Edinburgh Drives: Mk3 Golf Gti
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Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
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I would have chopped the Elephants legs off to get him in
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
User status: Offline
I was thinking, climb on elephant to get across river, it was still in the fridge tho
Registered: 26th May 04
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Registered: 27th Aug 03
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quote: Originally posted by Tom
I was thinking, climb on elephant to get across river, it was still in the fridge tho
Registered: 25th Mar 03
Location: Cardiff, Wales Drives: 205 GTi 1.9
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quote: Originally posted by Tom
I was thinking, climb on elephant to get across river, it was still in the fridge tho
i also considered using the elephant as bait for teh crocs. how wrong was i
Jason Iles
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Bristol
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I got number three the rest I failed Mazin
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Got them all! 
This time......didn't get the last two the first time I saw that (about 6 months ago)!