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Author Off to bed chopey chopey...

Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
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7th Mar 04 at 01:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Heres a story to get you into the mood:

The Little Coconut:-

Early one morning on a tiny island in the South Pacific, a coconut hung sadly from his palm tree. All he wanted was to see the world. The tree kept telling him that he could see everything from his perch on the treetop. He could see the ships and more than 300 tropical islands, scattered across the clear blue waters.

But Coconut wanted to go to the other islands to roll down the mountains and splash in the rushing rivers. He knew that the exotic animals lived deep in the island rainforests. His friends told him stories of the volcanoes in the center of some of the islands.

He felt trapped on his small island. The coral gardens called out to him, "Jump in and swim with the beautiful fish!" Coconut always answered the coral. "I'm coming. I'm working out a plan." And for days, coconut worked on a plan to escape the tree and explore the world of the Fiji Islands.

People rarely visited his little island. But finally, one day, a little girl named Sam was snorkeling nearby. She and her family had a picnic lunch on the white sandy beach near Coconut's tree. "Oh, mommy! I want a coconut!"

Coconut realized that this was his chance. He swung back and forth and back and forth until the tree let go. He dropped down . . . down . . . down . . . PLOP . . . right into the hands of the little girl. Sam was delighted. I will take him with me everywhere!

The family took coconut back to their hut in a small rustic village. Sam took Coconut with her everywhere. She dressed him up like a doll but that didn't matter to Coconut. They explored everywhere. At night time, they walked along the candle lit path in the village. Sam and the family went on a cruise in a glass bottom boat. Coconut had never seen so many rare and exotic fish. Later, they went to the market place where the villagers cooked all kinds of delicious food.

The family took Sam and Coconut to Treasure Island. They watched the sun rise and listened to the waves crash against the surf. Sam's brother who had been backpacking with friends, walked up and handed Sam some beautiful stones. This was truly a "treasure island." That evening, a south-seas band played music with lots of drums. The band let Sam play on the drums and they danced the night away. Sam fell asleep in her father's lap. When it was time to leave, the family accidentally left coconut on the table amongst the dinner dishes and candles.

The night lasted forever. A waiter named Grumpy grabbed Coconut and brought him into the kitchen. "You will be good to serve in a shrimp platter," said the waiter. "We shall drink coconut milk for breakfast, too!" Coconut laid in fear all night long that his Sam would never find him. That morning, another waiter observed Coconut lying on the counter. "Well, you don't look like an ordinary coconut. You must belong to someone. Somebody has painted a friendly face upon you!" At that moment the waiter from the night before came into the kitchen. "Oh, there is our breakfast! Ha ha ha!" He got a large hammer and was about to crack Coconut wide open when Sam's father burst into the room. The nice waiter grabbed Coconut away from Grumpy just in time. Sam's father yelled, "This coconut belongs to my daughter!" He whisked Coconut away and winked at the nice waiter. Grumpy just sighed and reached for the pineapple juice.

Sam had cried all through her breakfast. When Coconut returned, she jumped for joy! The days passed so quickly. The last morning of Sam's vacation, the family was scurrying around, packing up to leave. Coconut was hoping that Sam would take him home with her. He would miss her so much if she left him now. He would miss his islands, too, but he belonged with Sam.

Everyone was packing everything away. Sam's brother stuck Coconut deep in a large dark suitcase. At least he knew he would meet with Sam at her home. When the taxi came to take them to the airport, Sam realized that Coconut was missing again. She ran through the house calling for Coconut. He tried to respond, but he was packed up so tightly.

Finally, Sam threw all the stuff out of all the suitcases until she found Coconut. "Oh, Coconut, you know I would never leave you stuffed in there." He was so relieved.

The two friends sat comfortably on the long flight home, whispering plans for adventures together in California. When the family finally made it home, Coconut and Sam rested all afternoon in Sam's bedroom. Coconut had his very own bed (which was made for a doll) and lots of love.

The End

Good night

Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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7th Mar 04 at 01:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
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7th Mar 04 at 01:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


see everyone Da Munch feels the love.. Can you ????

Good night Munch...
Good night everybody MWAH

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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7th Mar 04 at 01:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

good night


Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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7th Mar 04 at 01:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
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7th Mar 04 at 01:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you going tomorow munch ???

Sweet as.. your gonna feel like shit mate

Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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7th Mar 04 at 01:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 11th Aug 02
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7th Mar 04 at 01:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That was abosolutly....


Registered: 17th Jul 01
Location: I swap goats for mobile phones
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7th Mar 04 at 01:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 11th Aug 02
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7th Mar 04 at 01:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

love you too Munch X

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