Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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cos u can die..
Yesh sorry if u have lost loved ones or firends but u cant say "bikes" cos u can die... u can die from eating a peanut the wrong way
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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i know but if you have the illusion that bikes are cool...
they must be treated with the upmost respect as they are deadly
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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bikes are cool... and as a rider of offroad bikes.. and my dad & uncle being roadbike riders... i'm sure they know that bikes need respect! its other road users that don't get it
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Bikes are cool...They look great and ewn driven properly are amazing, not everyone dies, they are a risk... but so is everything these days
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Who cares if they die??
Dying's nothing to be worried about - you're not going to regret it after you're gone. Other people might be affected by your death, but you won't be ... other than being dead of course.
But yeah, bikes are a bit wank aren't they. I mean.. two wheels? What's all that about.
If I wanted two wheels I'd buy a mountain bike or a BMX.
Even Reliant Robin's have THREE wheels 
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Joff shulup
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by CorsaLad16v
bikes are cool... and as a rider of offroad bikes.. and my dad & uncle being roadbike riders... i'm sure they know that bikes need respect! its other road users that don't get it
this is how scared i am of even clipping a bike
put it this way i was driving along a dual carigeway a week - ish ago and there was a bike behind me i kept checking the mirror to see where he was then he went into the slow lane and eventually into my blind spot
i was scared of hitting him that much i slowed to a point where he was infront of me and i could keep a eye on him
i know what can happen and the injuries that can occur.
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
User status: Offline
Bikes don't interest me - they're boring and lonely - you can rarely share the experience with anyone as it's just not the same for passengers.
Ooh, maybe you could meet up with other bikers - all cycle to a pub on a Sunday and drink coke whilst talking about cycling around.. great stuff.
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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quote: Originally posted by Adam-D
quote: Originally posted by CorsaLad16v
bikes are cool... and as a rider of offroad bikes.. and my dad & uncle being roadbike riders... i'm sure they know that bikes need respect! its other road users that don't get it
this is how scared i am of even clipping a bike
put it this way i was driving along a dual carigeway a week - ish ago and there was a bike behind me i kept checking the mirror to see where he was then he went into the slow lane and eventually into my blind spot
i was scared of hitting him that much i slowed to a point where he was infront of me and i could keep a eye on him
i know what can happen and the injuries that can occur.
Nah, as long as you saw him once who cares where he went. He's got better peripheral vision than you and you can't be expected to spend all your journey checking out where he is on the road in relation to yourself.
Just because he's able to cycle through gaps between cars doesn't mean he should. Ok you might lose a wing mirror, but fingers crossed you'll clip him and he'll lose a bit of blood 
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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They're great. If you ever get the chance to go on a proper bike and go round corners actually needing the netal caps on your boots and the sliders on your knees, you'll understand then!
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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What's so fantastical about a corner?
If I wanted to wear leather and stuff I'd go to a fetish club 
Oh, gokarting is shit too.
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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ive riden a kawasaki 450 "i think"
i do not wish to go that fast and not have anything between the road and me but air
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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and two things called wheels
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Bath/Bristol - Evo 4 GSR
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lmao joff speaks sense
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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I would like to go that fast and have nothing between me and the road but air.
That would mean I was flying. That would be good.
If I wanted a motorcycle I would need to learn more about their world -
However, motorcycling is not flying. It is for people like Herbert.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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Not a fan of bikes myself.
yzf-r6 (stella Man)
Registered: 16th Nov 03
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quote: Originally posted by Adam-D
quote: Originally posted by CorsaLad16v
bikes are cool... and as a rider of offroad bikes.. and my dad & uncle being roadbike riders... i'm sure they know that bikes need respect! its other road users that don't get it
this is how scared i am of even clipping a bike
put it this way i was driving along a dual carigeway a week - ish ago and there was a bike behind me i kept checking the mirror to see where he was then he went into the slow lane and eventually into my blind spot
i was scared of hitting him that much i slowed to a point where he was infront of me and i could keep a eye on him
i know what can happen and the injuries that can occur.
why were you scaired of hitting him
do you think this every time you see a car in your mirror
as long as your driving how you should be driving, ie using the correct lanes, staying in one lane, not straightlining round abouts, using signals correctley, then whats the problem
If your doing everything right and he hits you becuase he's riding like a twat then its his problem, not yours. (and thats from a bikers point of view)
Registered: 7th Apr 03
Location: down south
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lost my mate in a car crash 3 weeks ago, he was only 24 just goes to show how life can be so short and u never know when your time will come. miss him loads