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Author should your mind every think about nettles and genitals then click to read this thread

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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29th Mar 04 at 12:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Use of Stinging Nettles

I have not so far found any literature on the use of stinging nettles to
bring about a temporary penis enlargement.
The following is based on experience. It is clearly not suitable for any
one allergic to stinging nettles. Arm yourself with a pair of thick
gloves. Cut down a good quantity of fresh nettles. The best ones are
young with pliable stems. A shopping bag full is about fine.Take a
nettle and brush it against the head of your penis. If you haven't got
an erection so far, this should bring one on. It doesn't hurt much, the
sensation is rather good in fact. Brush some more nettles against your
penis, the shaft as well. Gradually a rash will appear and little
bumps. Keep going. The more you do, the greater the numbing effect so
the next bit will be easier. Take a handful of nettles and crush them
hard onto your penis. This may hurt, but rub them in well.
You can also take a nettle stalk (which is also covered in stingers) and
wrap it around the shaft or behind the head. This is a good way of
getting the poison in. Keep going with more nettles. As the poison gets
in, the small bumps will join up. This is the desired effect.
As you keep on, the bumps turn into a large all over swelling. The more
you do, the greater the swelling until your penis will be stretched real
tight, bursting against its skin. I find an increase of about 50% in
girth over a normal erection. The sensation is now between pain and
pleasure.The nettles hurt, but the penis becomes super sensitive. As you
go on the sensitivity will increase. Eventually you will reach the point
where the sensitivity takes over from the pain.
Now your penis will start throbbing, but each throb will bring you
closer and closer to orgasm. You can try to resist it, but it can be
hard because chances are you will come without even touching your penis,
the throbbing doing the job for you. The orgasm is intense - as much
pain as pleasure. After orgasm you may remain quite erect, and a second
spontaneous orgasm is possible within a very short time.
When finally flaccid, the penis will retain its girth but shorten,
creating a massive, heavy weight swinging between your legs.The
sensation will have gone, leaving your penis very numb to the touch.
A really weird feeling. Gradually - very gradually, the swelling will
go down, but a huge lump may hang below the frenum for some time - a
day or more. Now the skin has been so stretched it is very sore, and
the sensation may make sleep difficult. Over the next few days the skin
may start to peel off in a thin layer, leaving a new layer of soft skin
underneath. Whether there is any permanent increase in size I couldn't
say, but I guess the effect should be the same as a pump, if from the
inside rather than the out.
Rubbing the stinging nettles into the scrotum and the anus can produce a
good feel, but there is no swelling in the same way as the penis. You
can also try filling your pants with nettles and taking a train ride. To
do this, wear two pairs of pants, slip penis and scrotum through the fly
of the first, and wrap over them a plastic bag full of nettles tied on
loose with a rubber band.Try keeping a straight face as you walk, jog,
cycle or ride a bumpy train.


Registered: 12th Feb 03
Location: Telford
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29th Mar 04 at 12:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sounds like fun

Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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29th Mar 04 at 13:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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