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Author Any one going or thinking of it?
Corsa E-Tec

Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
User status: Offline
30th Mar 04 at 14:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Great Yarmouth Cruise
Copied it from south east forum. Is any one thinking of going?
Sounds cool.

Originally posted by xhale2007
Yes here it is the full details for the Great Yarmouth Cruise which is
being held at the Yarmouth Stadium on the 4th of the 4th 04, thats the
Sunday the 4th of April 2004

Full details for the event are as follows.....

Date: 04/04/04 Sunday the 4th of April 2004

Location: Yarmouth Stadium

Cost: £5 per person this five pound also covers the cost of entering
any competition you like there is no additional fee to enter any of
the competitions, profits made from this event will be going to


* Terry Grant (for more info bout the legend click here )

* Show & Shine competition

* Dough nut competition

* Sound off competition

* Slalom compeition

* Under car lighting parade

Terry Grant

Terry Grant will be doing what he does best, by entertaining the crowd
with his excellent stunts, doughnutin about and basically showing how
cars should be driven. He will be doing 2 different showing on the day
(see time table \/\/\/ )

Show & Shine

Exactly what is says the cars which enter this competition will be
judged on their vehicles on what it says show and shine, prizes will
be awarded for the best cars.

Dough Nut Competition

Well this is pretty self explanitory... ill leave this one to your

Sound Off Comp

Cars will be measured in each catagory and which ever hits the highest
DB's & quality of boot builds will win prizes

Slalom Comp

This is a chance for us cruisers to show the old bill how to drive
Terry Grant will set up a course where a members from cruise clubs,
modified car clubs what ever can go up agains the police to show who
can drive, hand braking about and some skilled driving.

Under car lighting parade

A little Finally to the evening we are looking for any one with under
body lighting to get involved and show off your neons nice n legally
on the track.

Now for all competitions above you will need to contact us to get
involved there may well be spaces on the day but we cant promise this
if you would like to get involved then please email us or text myself
with your full name, address and mobile number and we will send you
out a special slip of paper to show the stewards on the day so they
know what competition which you are entering.


Mobile: 07729981402

Time Table

100 to 120 Competition entries can arrive

120 gates open to everyone

130 events start with show and shine

15:15 Doughnut comp Part1

16:15 Sound off comp

17:30 Terry Grant Part 1

180 Trophy Presentations

18:35 Slalom Competition

19:50 Terry Grant Part 2

20:20 Under Car Lighting Parade

20:30 Conclusion

There will also be a number of Trade stand there on the day, the event
will be covered by REVS magazine they will also be bringing some of
their cars down.

Message for Sponsors......

Those who have already shown interest will be contacted in the next
fews days sorry for the delay we needed to cover everything before we
could finalise our plans, if you have not yet put your name forward
then please contact myself via email or phone call


Mobile: 07729981402


Details for over night staying will be posted very soon for those who
would like a long weekend in Sunny Great Yarmouth.

Thanks thats about everything we will keep everyone updated at


[Edited on 30-03-2004 by Corsa E-Tec]

Registered: 3rd Dec 03
Location: Woodley, Berkshire
User status: Offline
31st Mar 04 at 07:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

how far is it from Reading
Corsa E-Tec

Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Stevenage Drives: Leon Cupra
User status: Offline
31st Mar 04 at 08:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Time Mile Instruction (Summery)
Summary: 180.2 miles (3 hours, 18 minutes)

090 0.0 Depart Reading on Local road(s) (East) 0.3 mi
091 0.3 Turn RIGHT (South) onto A329 0.6 mi Winnersh
094 0.9 Bear LEFT (East) onto A4 0.7 mi Sonning
096 1.5 At junction, turn RIGHT (South-East) onto A329(M) 4.1 mi Bracknell
09:11 5.7 At M4 J10, turn LEFT (North-East) onto M4 18.0 mi Bracknell
09:27 23.6 At M25 J15/M4 J4b, turn LEFT (North) onto M25 43.3 mi
106 66.9 At M25 J27/M11 J6, turn LEFT (North) onto M11 29.1 mi Harlow
10:31 96.0 At junction, bear LEFT (North) onto A11 9.0 mi
10:41 104.9 At junction, bear RIGHT (North-East) onto A1304 9.2 mi Newmarket
10:58 114.1 At junction, continue (North-East) on A11 42.6 mi Thetford
11:48 156.7 At junction, turn RIGHT (South) onto A47 22.6 mi Great Yarmouth
12:14 179.3 Bear RIGHT (South) onto A149 0.4 mi Caister on Sea
12:16 179.7 Turn RIGHT (South) onto B1141 0.4 mi
12:18 180.1 Continue (South-East) on A1243 131 yds
12:18 180.2 Arrive Great Yarmouth

Total distance: 180.2 miles
Length of trip: 3 hours, 18 minutes
Driving time: 3 hours, 18 minutes
Cost: £13.88

This is what i pulled of auto route!

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