Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
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just got paid today, my wages have gone down for sum stupid unbeknown reason, im sposed to be on full pay for 6mths and ive been havin probs with bank....get this........appply for overdraft they say no, im always goin overdrawn.............
31/03/2004 BANK CREDIT EASINGTON PCT 488.17 300.80
08/03/2004 MONTHLY OD CHARGE 21JAN-19FEB 25.00 -187.37
08/03/2004 INTEREST 21JAN-19FEB 0.46 -162.37
04/03/2004 FAILED CHEQUE CHARGE 04MAR 20.00 29.50 -161.91
03/03/2004 FAILED DIRECT DEBIT CHARGE 03MAR 73.50 29.50 -132.41
01/03/2004 FAILED CHEQUE CHARGE 01MAR 20.00 29.50 -102.91
01/03/2004 FAILED DIRECT DEBIT CHARGE 01MAR 38.50 29.50
got all these charges applied and now ive got no money for anything bar my rent........ no fone bill/ goin out anywere........... i hate alliance and leicester...wrote them this letter and posted it.........
18 March, 2004
Dear sir/ madam
I am writing in reference to an account I hold at your Stockton on Tees branch, which is currently £187.37 overdrawn. This balance is due to bank charges I have incurred through failed direct debits.
I am currently on sick leave from my job, and have been since mid January. Subsequently, my income has been significantly affected, and these charges have made this problem a lot worse.
I have requested an overdraft numerous times, for when I have been in previous situations where I have been unable to pay direct debits etc and each time this has been refused, thus im getting charged frequently for unauthorised overdrawing due to circumstances beyond my control.
I have been paying my wages into your bank for some time now. However, I hope that this matter can be resolved or I will be taking my banking services elsewhere as this is causing me unnecessary distress. I am unsure when my income will return to its previous status, as I am still medically unfit for work.
I trust I will hear from you soon with regards to the matter.
Sarah Bake
just foned em then and they sed "theyre onto the matter" fuckin wankers.......... cant pay my debts now........can see this beein a fun week
Half Pint
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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I've managed to become good at managing my account, took 5 years tho
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
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Can you cancel all DD's off your account to stop you getting more charges?
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Oh dear 
At lease you are in contact with them, hopefully they will come to a mutual agreement and not keep applying all these charges. I've got a 2k interest free overdraft, left over form student days
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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If we didnt have banks we would be alot better off...
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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No if we managed our money better we wouldnt get into problems in the first place. Too many people take on loans that are beyond their means. Why you think bank of england interest rates have gone up? because we are all borrowing too much money, so many people ££££`s in debt.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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I dont think they will be bothered that you are off sick tbh, if you have been refused an o/d then they r gonna keep charging u for failed d/d's
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Registered: 15th Nov 00
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I have no loans and no credit cards and a £100 overdraft
Registered: 25th Mar 01
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i've got quite a bit of debt....need to sort finances out big stylee
gotta sop spendin so much cash in the pub!!
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Robbo
I dont think they will be bothered that you are off sick tbh, if you have been refused an o/d then they r gonna keep charging u for failed d/d's
This is true, they wont care if you threaten to take your banking elsewhere they will want to recover those fees.
Registered: 6th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by SetH
quote: Originally posted by Robbo
I dont think they will be bothered that you are off sick tbh, if you have been refused an o/d then they r gonna keep charging u for failed d/d's
This is true, they wont care if you threaten to take your banking elsewhere they will want to recover those fees.
Exactly... they would only be bothered if they had lots of ur money im afraid
Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
User status: Offline
ive cancelled all direct debits and stopped wages gettin paid into there, am off to sort out all me debts and see exactly wot ive got comin in and goin out....... and then i spose ill hav to fone em all and tell em there not gettin paid.....least me rent is upto date tho they cant throw me out just yet
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
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Do you get SSP?
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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yeah but not that bad
Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
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quote: Originally posted by Ally
Do you get SSP?
yea i was on full pay but now its gone down, my outgoings ar in the region of 1300 a month ish, i got 900 this month
Registered: 17th Jul 01
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become a criminal like me.......
Registered: 17th Apr 02
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No worries gal, im up shite creek too, it happens, i have to work, 8.30-5.00 then 6.00-12.00 to cover my ass, i ow in the region of 12K, i got charged a shit load onto my account too, it gets ya down dont it, i just gotta learn to manage my money better and be on top of my bills, things will work them selfes out in the end
Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
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quote: Originally posted by Greasemonkey
No worries gal, im up shite creek too, it happens, i have to work, 8.30-5.00 then 6.00-12.00 to cover my ass, i ow in the region of 12K, i got charged a shit load onto my account too, it gets ya down dont it, i just gotta learn to manage my money better and be on top of my bills, things will work them selfes out in the end
ive got 6k of debt which aint that much compared to most ppl i know, and i dont own a credit card or nowt, im just payin it back all over the place sounds daft but if i cud get a mortgage and pay the 6k off as well id be rollin it in
Registered: 17th Apr 02
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thats what afriend of mine is doing, he ows over 20K on student loans, he is in the process of gettin a mortgage, they are lending him the money to pay off his debt!!!!!, it is auwkward when ya paying to more than one place, ya could start again and get a consolidation loan????, hope ya get sorted darling cos i know how it feels, chin up gal
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Being a homeowner does give you a lot more buying power, you can secure a loan agaisnt your house of sometimes up to 125% of the value. How do you think im getting my s2000 in a couple of years?
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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im not allowed to handle money it give me sweaty palms and this makes the bank/family nervous and the take money back and change me for it!
Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
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quote: Originally posted by Greasemonkey
thats what afriend of mine is doing, he ows over 20K on student loans, he is in the process of gettin a mortgage, they are lending him the money to pay off his debt!!!!!, it is auwkward when ya paying to more than one place, ya could start again and get a consolidation loan????, hope ya get sorted darling cos i know how it feels, chin up gal
cant get a consolidation loan cos i get £7400 wages workin part time and £9800 child tax credits and they dont class this as a steady income
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by sassyminx
quote: Originally posted by Greasemonkey
thats what afriend of mine is doing, he ows over 20K on student loans, he is in the process of gettin a mortgage, they are lending him the money to pay off his debt!!!!!, it is auwkward when ya paying to more than one place, ya could start again and get a consolidation loan????, hope ya get sorted darling cos i know how it feels, chin up gal
cant get a consolidation loan cos i get £7400 wages workin part time and £9800 child tax credits and they dont class this as a steady income
babe there are 1000`s of companies out there that do consolidation that will be desperate to get you as a client, im sure a few of those would take both incomes into account, try phoning around.
Registered: 10th Jan 04
Location: Hartlepool Drives: Cossie
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thnx hun i mite try, if i got 6k id be clear of debt tho and id be sorted and hav money in the bank etc, a major prob ive got tho is that im on repayment terms at debt collection agencys for all of the debt ive got cos wen i left my ex i was stuck to pay em all, and it means ive got loads to pay thru bout 9 companys
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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/\/\ Oh that sucks babe, my credit rating is at an all time low, i bounce my credit cards round to benfit from 0% interest,but, they wont let me have any more cards to bounce my funds, if i could get credit i would be terrible, Like me matey broster said i go spend crazy, and mark you know what i NEED £1700 for LOL, i take it ya work part time because of the kids?, at least you work eh, well see what the bank say its not fair that if ya aint got no money they just ask for more, i hope they are more helpfull than my bank!!!! HSBC beware they lend ya loads then screw ya up the arse