Registered: 7th Jul 04
User status: Offline
I was driving about in bromsgrove today and i was going thro a 30 zone doing about 40, not realising.
I drove past a big post with which said told me TO FAST, SLOW DOWN.
It had one of thos little camara signs on top.
Does this mean i have been caught speeding and will recive a fine and points or is it just something telling me im speeding????
Please please help 
Registered: 12th Dec 03
Location: Brighouse
User status: Offline
we have them up near us think its just telling ya to slow down, if there are non of the standard yellow backed cameras near buy the signes with cameras on may be a signal of mobile cameras
Registered: 11th Apr 02
User status: Offline
its just a warning....u don't get done
major distraction imo
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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NAH ya fine there is a few near me, a duel carriage way goes back to 1 lane as ya enter a village, it goes to 30mph, i have blasted past it at 110mph many times, ya fine
Registered: 7th Jul 04
User status: Offline
ok thanks very much for letting me know.
Im happy now.
Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
User status: Offline
ha ha theres a solar powered one near me on an industrial estate. its used for quarter mile races.
Registered: 2nd May 04
Location: Nottingham Drives: Corsa C SXI 1.2 16v
User status: Offline
hehe theres one as you go into calverton, make a point to set it off everytime i pass