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Author Tiscali - ADSL general

Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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7th Sep 04 at 14:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What can i say.....

I got a call from a legal collections dept saying i owed Tiscali 180squid.... This was news to me so i called Tiscali, and enquired.

Turns out my CC had expired and they just didnt think it was there duty to tell me i wasnt paying them no letter, no email, no call till it was passed on to a collections company I ended up shouting down the phone to some bint

Tried to cancel it this morning ( my 1yr is up) and was told no... you have to wait 30 days...... i ended up screaming down the phone about the fact the i tried to cancel it 30days before the end of the year contract. I was then informed that my account was suspended, and now being reactivated... Therefor they couldnt do anything till it was reactivated.

I'm now going about migrating to another provider..... and tired to get a MAC address from Tiscali..... i ended up shouting and hanging up again....


Anyone got and ADSL FAQ's about obtaining a MAC from a provider.

The call centre man was adement that they had to release the line to get the MAC..... I'm sure the MAC is used between old/new providers and BT so the line doesnt have to be realeased and then re-established.


Registered: 12th Sep 02
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7th Sep 04 at 15:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no most cases you need to cancel the ADSL on the line before another DSL order can be put to BT on the line ,

Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
7th Sep 04 at 15:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


What is 'Migration'?

Migration is a relatively new process that allows you to change your ADSL ISP with the minimum of fuss, downtime and cost. Previously, you had to cancel completely your ADSL service, then re-order it with another ISP. This incurred heavy charges and lengthy downtime. Now, you just get a MAC key, tell both ISPs the necessary details and they do all the work for you.

What is a MAC code?

A MAC code is a generated code given to your ISP by BT. When you are given this code, your ISP is agreeing to your migration, subject to you meeting their terms and conditions (in Pipex's case, 30 days notice).

How much does migration cost?

BT currently charge the ISP that is gaining the customer £11 to migrate a user (approximately £14.99 to me and you when VAT is included). Some providers are waiving this if you sign up, and stay with them for a minimum of 12 months.

How much notice is required to migrate from Pipex?

Pipex require 30 days notice, expiring no sooner than the end of your minimum period of subscription , or the current paid month. If you are tied in to a 12 month contract, you can cancel, but you will have to pay Pipex a cancellation fee of £58.75 (which is fair as Pipex need to recoup costs of subsidising your initial connection). I think it's worth noting at this point that when cancelling with Pipex, you should state clearly that you are migrating your service. Otherwise, confusion will reign and you could end up without any service at all at the end of the 30 days notice.

What type of notice should I give?

Their terms and conditions state the notice should be written, but they seem to be accepting phone calls, although I'm sure they could stop this at their discretion.

Does a MAC request to Pipex Customer Support constitute a migration notice?

Not according to the terms and conditions, but it does mean that they are agreeing to ALLOW your migration. If you request a MAC code from Pipex, you should make sure you let them know at the same time you are giving them your 30 days notice.

Who do we call to get a MAC code?

You need to call Pipex Customer Support on 0845 077 8324

How long is a MAC code valid?

A MAC code is valid for exactly 30 days, so make sure you time your migration to your new ISP with precision. Your new ISP will help you with this.

How best can we migrate so as to avoid paying an extra months charges?

Pipex charge 1 month in advance. If you give the 30 days notice a couple of days before you are due to be billed, and time your migration to happen just before you get billed for the following months usage, you need pay nothing more.

Also, it will mean you will get a full months service which you have paid for (or thereabouts) just before you migrate.

How long does it take to get a MAC code?

It should only take a few minutes. You phone customer support, they phone BT who give them the code, and they give it to you. Simple. Be prepared to wait a bit longer for Pipex though, their support queues can be quite lengthy.

How much downtime can I expect during the migration process?

You will be informed of a 24 hour period in which the migration will take place, and in general the migration should move quite smoothly, with one ISP handing you over to the other within a very short space of time.

Downtime of less than an hour is ideal, but things can sometimes go wrong, and rarely, you could find yourself with no connection for the best part of a day.

This FAQ written and compiled by Mapster with input from many regulars.

Additional notes from Pipex themselves

When you contact our customer services to request a MAC code, you will be passed to a team of provisions specialists who will do the following:

1: They will qualify that you are a customer of PIPEX and that the account you are requesting a MAC for, is indeed your account.

2. They will then determine whether or not you are subject to the £58.75 cancellation fee with regards to your contract period / how long you have had the service for and the service that you have.

3. They will then generate you a MAC and give this to you over the phone.

Once you have been given a MAC, a 30 day cancellation period on your PIPEX account will begin. Please note this is NOT a cancellation of the ADSL service that is on your line, it is just your account with PIPEX that will be terminated.

If you decide that you no longer wish to migrate after obtaining your MAC then please contact us immediately and we will stop the cancellation of your account from going through on the system

Registered: 12th Sep 02
User status: Offline
7th Sep 04 at 15:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah this is a new thing but ISP's have to pay BT for this privalage , allot of ISPs are not willing to pay this because it means there customers can transfer away for nothing etc.. and have no downtime ,

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