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Author Chrome and other stuff going to billing

Registered: 19th Jun 03
Location: South Coast
User status: Offline
16th Sep 04 at 07:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Will have all of this with me and some more.

PM me for my mobile number.

Find me on the Club Calibra stand (ugly fat bloke with black v6 calibra)

First Come First Served on the Days ( I will be there from about 8pm on the friday night dependant on traffic)

Click on any pics for a better size as this keeps it friendly for the 56k users

C20 Xe Cam Cover

£120 + an exchange unit (or extra £30)

C20XE Cambelt Covers

£40 + an exchange unit (or extra £20)

C20XE Plug Covers (background chromed letters chromed and polished)

£37 + an exchange metal unit (or extra £20) may consider px on good condition plastic items

Door catches for most vauxhalls Includes 4 bolts for catches and 6 bolts for the door lock all chromed (not vectra astra 4 etc)

£25 Would like to have the old ones back (as with all items here tools will be available for loan on the day to fit the gear)

V6 chromed inlet manifold

£100 + exchange unit ( or £30 deposit until you can return the old one to me)

C20XE Cam cover plug cover and heatshield stainless steel bolt sets

£9.50 a set

also a limited edition of chromed sets at £20 a set

x20xe (ecotec) cam cover plug cover and heatshield bolt sets

£6.50 a set

also a limited edition of chromed sets at £15

Chromed wing bolts

£0.75 each (will give a pound back if you bring me the old ones when fitted)

Bonnet catches for the cav3 astra 3 calibra vectra b corsa b tigra nova (comprises of catch spring and rivet)

£25 and would like the old ones back when you have fitted them (minus the rivet which is easiest if cut with the bolt croppers I have)

Bonnet release springs for the vauxhall range

£15 and would like the old ones back when you have fitted them

Slam panel pig spring

£7.50 would like the old ones back when you have fitted them

Strut tops for the calibra cav carlton omega (not astra vectra corsa)

£20 a pair would like the old ones back when you have fitted them

Chromed turbo heatshield for the c20let

£20 would like the old one back when you have fitted this one

Speedo Fascia Surrounds for the cav 3 astra 3 and calibra


Will have some other bits and pieces with me come on over and have a mooch[/align]

[Edited on 16-09-2004 by tim2001]

Registered: 19th Jun 03
Location: South Coast
User status: Offline
17th Sep 04 at 05:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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