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Author Government to ban Speed Camera Detectors

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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24th Sep 04 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Speed camera detectors to be banned
Devices which detect speed cameras are to be banned, the Government has revealed.

The Department for Transport said it would seek to ban the dashboard devices as soon as possible because of fears motorists were using them to break speed limits without being caught.

Thousands of drivers have installed the detectors after a huge rise in the number of speed camera penalties.

They have already been banned in many European countries including France and Ireland.

A Department for Transport spokeswoman said: "We are aware of the problem and as soon as a legislative opportunity becomes available we will seek to make these devices illegal."

Road safety groups welcomed the announcement. Rob Gifford of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety told The Times: "This is a long overdue closing of a legal loophole.

"Speed camera detectors should not be needed by law-abiding drivers."

Transport minister David Jamieson yesterday said he was happy for people to know where the cameras were. But he did not want information to be passed on revealing whether or not they were switched on.

He told a Commons committee: "If there is a map showing where they are, then I think that's a good idea, because people will then be very careful in that area."

He also ruled out random breath-testing and said there were no plans to lower the legal drink-drive limit.

Took them long enough to figure out thats what they are used for

[Edited on 24-09-2004 by J-Me]

Registered: 20th Apr 02
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24th Sep 04 at 10:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its not that we use them for there reasons its a safety device ! we use it to be warned of any dangers that might be ahead .. such as speed cameras lol

Registered: 17th Apr 02
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24th Sep 04 at 10:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I love the advert on tv for these things, it goes on aboutloads of crap they are good for then slips a couple of seconds in saying oh and they detect cameras, when thats the whole reason they are there, might get one before they dissapear

Registered: 19th Aug 02
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24th Sep 04 at 10:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

thats bull.
The idea of putting a speed camera in place is for safety, to save lives, these speed cameras are nationally announced where they are! whats the difference?

Someone with a road angel is more likely to drive slower through the black spot than someone without the road angel, defeating the object surely?

Registered: 19th Jun 00
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24th Sep 04 at 10:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Exactly but they'd rather you drive through the blackspot quicker thus earning yourself a 60 quid fine and 3 points. Wankers.

Registered: 6th Sep 03
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25th Sep 04 at 00:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

they will probley try to make you pay some kind of tax if you have one on your dash board
He told a Commons committee: "If there is a map showing where they are, then I think that's a good idea, because people will then be very careful in that area."
a book of speed cameras you wont be able to see the roads lol
Thousands of drivers have installed the detectors after a huge rise in the number of speed camera penalties
only because you bloody hide half of them
"Speed camera detectors should not be needed by law-abiding drivers."
as bart says Someone with a road angel is more likely to drive slower through the black spot than someone without the road angel, defeating the object surely


Registered: 28th Mar 04
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25th Sep 04 at 00:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


"Speed camera detectors should not be needed by law-abiding drivers."

"If there is a map showing where they are, then I think that's a good idea, because people will then be very careful in that area."


[Edited on 25-09-2004 by Rebrabuk]

Registered: 14th Mar 04
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25th Sep 04 at 06:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

but, speed camera detectors, and ones that use GPRS are different things, so your alright with your Road Angel

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