Registered: 7th Oct 04
User status: Offline
Hi all, I am attempting to fit a C20XE from a Astra GTE into my Corsa Gsi! I have wired in most of the connections and the engine is running! However I still have three wires left? There is a white wire on the ecu end in the loom (orginally in a green plug with three other wires) does anyone know what its for? Also I have two wires left in the 9 wire connection block from my car loom, a fairly large red wire (pernament live I guess but I don't know where it goes!) and a smaller Blue and Red wire!
If anyone knows what these are for it would be greatly appreicated!
Registered: 21st Apr 02
Location: Hadleigh, Suffolk
User status: Offline
blue & red is the speed signal wire which woulda been used for the astra digi dash.
not sure bout rest
Registered: 7th Oct 04
User status: Offline
I don't think it is because the Blue & Red wire is on my Corsa Car Loom, not the Astra engine loom
[Edited on 07-10-2004 by cornwallcorsa]
[Edited on 07-10-2004 by cornwallcorsa]