Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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rite my car nas the infamous c16xe lump in that I keep goingon bout- and its had an idling problem for a while, the revs are all over the place and it suffers some flatspots, I sent adam-d a cheque for an air flow meter(still awaiting a u2u though ) and ive fitted new plugs and im gonna get new leads and a new lambda sensor and Ive tried a new idle control valve
Anyways it goes and dies on me a couple of times when waiting in traffic, no biggy I fort, but I was backing up to go into a parking spot and it just cut out, tried firing her up and something went pop/bang on the drivers side near the wing n smelt funny and some smoke came out, and the car died
tried again and it did the same
I came out from work and took wheel off and arch lining to check the canister in there but it looks fine, so I put it bk together and the car is running same as it did b4, revs all over the place n several flatspots, can anyone help me or am I gonna have to wait for the all important air flow meter?
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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If you've not got an airflow meter, then it's going to be running like turd anyway.
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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I have got one but im replacing it in case its at fault, im just waiting for adam-d to send it me or confirrm my cheque got to him or something as he aint responded to me even tho hes been on the boards
Registered: 17th Oct 00
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Have you hooked it up to Tech2? It'll cost £35+vat or whatever, but might help narrow it down to a problem or at least if a sensor is out.
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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will go see someone tomoro I think just dont want any more explosions
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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anyone else suggest anything? please?
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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THe pop bang is just blow back through the inlet sustem, it will be coming from ya cone filter, no big problem, check that there isnt a hole in the inlet trunking this will caus eyou symptoms, and you can do a fault test on a C16XE with paper clip, put the standard air box on too, check its not hot air from engine fooking with the revs
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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Oh ya aint got a Vauxhall alarm have ya, mine played havoc with my engine, cutting out all the time etc, after a year or so had the alarm removed as a last resort and hey presto car was fixed
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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cheers dude will try checking it, gonna read up on the paper clip test methinks. when I turn the ignition on, the idle control valve(well think thats it) is whirring away like its on all the time even when engine aint running - wierd eh? something down that way is whirring anyways. car does the pop n cuts out though, is it anything to do with the canister in the wing as thats supposed to have a valve to the inlet i believe?
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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the canister has a lavle that runs from the fuel tank vent valve on the side of the upper inlet manifold.
The wiring is something my car has think its nothing to worry about matey, i would do a compression test wet and dry, show us the results, but it does sound electrical, ya could do with borrowing another ECU to try or summit
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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yer I know dude, im just gonna put the old idle contraol valve bk on n see how it behaves- still aint got a word from adam-d bout the air flow meter and hes been on several times since I u2ud him i tried changing the plugs b4 it was going pop as I fort that, because it was over fuelling(black smoke at top of rev range) n there was flat spots, the plugs mite have got quite worn and sooted up, now i wish i hadnt bort em lol but theyre funky bosch ones with 4 electrode bits on instead of the standard 2! which i fort was ace, even though they cannot be seen 
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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oh does anyone know if the x16xe and c16xe lumps use the same plugs? just a worry I had as the listings in car shops aint v specific
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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just put it together and now the one fuel line is leaking grrrrr will try sort that out-still idling all over the place too
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quote: Originally posted by calidus
oh does anyone know if the x16xe and c16xe lumps use the same plugs? just a worry I had as the listings in car shops aint v specific
believe they do
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
User status: Offline
okies thats kewl then...just gonna try stop me fuel line leaking(mite not be done up properly then try using the car...anyone else wanna help me shed some lite on the problem? im finking its not serious its just a sensor or a component not behaving properly
Registered: 17th Apr 02
Location: Drives a Tractor
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Im still thinking maybe an air leak
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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well its doing the same and I think its got an air leak to the bk of the engine, posibly the inlet trunking u mentioned to me ages ago that u had problems with.dont know of any easy ways to look really you have any of your old plastic trunking i could buy and maybe inlet manifold?
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Tattershall, Lincolnshire
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calidus, if you pop to woodhall spa tomorrow am i will plug it into computer for you . Cant guarantee a cure but will try!
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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im not in lincoln tomoro bud im at a rubbishy boring gaymosexual wedding that I cant get out of grrrrrrrrr.i said i was defo going-not thinking my car wud need me to nurse it bk to health cheers for the offer tho dude, mite limp it up during the week if I can have a nosey at ur lump too
Registered: 6th Sep 03
Location: Lincolnshire
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is a shame i didnt get no spare sensors amongst my random crap mate, else we cud of tried em all
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Tattershall, Lincolnshire
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mine needs throttle position sensor
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
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bummer dude- thats not the same problem im having is it? hope not! i got me cheque to adam-d hes waiting for it to clear then despatchin it, its looking more and more like I got a hole in the plastic inlet trunk to the bk of the engine, will have a look sunday when im bk in a sensor expensive mate?
Registered: 12th May 02
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i had a hole in my inlet trunkin once! confirmed it by sprayin carb cleaner round the intake system, if the engine note changes it is sucking the carb cleaner in so ther must be a hole.
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
User status: Offline
i will try giving it a go...guess this is more expense this month argh! got a few things i wanna buy sooooooo guess theylly have to go on hold- well some of em
Registered: 27th Oct 02
Location: Lincoln
User status: Offline
halfway thru removing the top half of the inlet manifold and cant get to the one sodding bolt grrrrrrrrrrr. Im hoping that the long plastic trunk at the bk of the engine which plays part of the long inlet route is the part thats at fault-well, im praying lol. the idle control valve is still whirring away when the ignition is turned on, and thats without turning the engine over sooooooooooo dont know if thats normal or not. wot do u guys think?