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Author sony cdx-m670 headunit

Registered: 7th Sep 03
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   7th Jan 05 at 13:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sony cdx-m670,
VERY RARE detachable face version! headunit is comlete with everything apart from the remote. all is in perfect working order. these still retial for £375 or so. asking price £112 DELIVERED

Sony's Xplod ES receiver not only gives you the latest high-tech features, but it performs a full disappearing act as well! The Active Black Panel (ABP) on the front of the CDX-M670 turns completely black and featureless when you turn off the power – it looks just like you removed the face! But when you turn the power on, this deck comes to life with a huge backlit, multicolor display. Hit the open key, and the panel motorizes down to reveal another display, plus a full set of controls. The CDX-M670 features three sets of 5.5 volt preamp outputs for total upgrade flexibility. Sony’s SSIR-EXA tuner offers exceptional sensitivity of all of your favorite radio stations (you can also name those stations!). This unit also features Custom File, which gives you the ability to name CDs that are automatically displayed as text on the multilanguage dot matrix display. Other features include a wireless handheld remote, optional wireless joystick remote, and telephone mute input.


Detachable Active Black Panel (ABP)
5-Color dot matrix display
Spectrum analyzer display
CD/MD/TV control
Dynamic Soundstage Organizer (DSO)
EQ7 7-band equalizer with presets
Custom File display
CD Text display
1-Bit D/A converter
CD-R playback
SSIR-EXA Adaptive reception
Station Memo titles
52 x 4 (Max) high power
Front, rear, and sub preamp outputs
High- and Low-pass filters
Telephone attenuate input
Multi-language display (Eng/Fr/Sp)
Included wireless handheld remote
Optional wireless joystick remote

CD Player Specifications

Anti Theft: Rotating Faceplate
Preamp Outputs: 3 sets
Preamp Output Voltage: 5.5 volts
CD Changer Controls: Yes
Remote Control: Yes
RMS Power: 23W x 4
Peak Power: 52W x 4
CD Frequency Response: 10-20,000 Hz
FM Mono Sensitivity: 8 dBf
CD Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 90 dB


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