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Author Astra & Corsa parts for sale

Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
User status: Offline
   25th Jan 05 at 12:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

[QUOTE=TIMMAH]potential house move means all this has to go and as soon as possible, A fortunes worth of stuff!!!!

Irmscher front and rear bumpers for corsa C. They are not the spoilers they are complete bumpers;- she paid £850ish iirc, They will be in primer but i can have them painted cheap enuff if it is wanted.

18" Dare wheels, 4 stud off an astra SXI, (but will fit all 4 stud vaux's) astra custom painted blue pearl laquer so they look lush;- been sat in the shed for around 6 months now so they Got 2 go. Can be bought with or without tyres- paid £1050 for the wheels from PVD and the coating was extra!!!

SOLD==Pyle amp and pioneer sub in small ported enclosure, paid about £300 for it about a year ago, but it was only in his car 2 days before he sold the car and we have never bothered to wire it in to any one elses. ==SOLD

ON HOLD==Astra mk3 lowering springs - 35mm i think, never used due to writing off the car 2 days before they were delivered!! ==ON HOLD

Possibly a set of mk4 astra irmscher 3 door skirts in star silver - but dont know yet


Toyota import alloy wheels, believed to come off a supra - 4 really good tyres

2 boyancy aids and an Airhead Ringo - going to be used by my jetski, but that was knackered before we had a chance to use it;- so its as new.

ALL of the above is for OFFERS and i have photos of it all except the wheels at the mo. I am not desperate enough to give the stuff away but i need it shifted ASAP!!!!!![/QUOTE]

posted on behalf of a mate you can contact him at Cheers guys..

Registered: 23rd Aug 03
Location: Falkirk: Drives:nothing but gettin another Corsa
User status: Offline
25th Jan 05 at 23:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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