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Author HIC moan thread...........

Registered: 25th May 01
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29th Mar 05 at 08:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

rang them thursday as i've bought a new car and need it insuring, left my number TWICE and nobody rang me back

friday i presume they were shut.

saturday i left TWO numbers for them AGAIN, still nobody rang me back, rang up a 3rd time and they said the offices were shut

sunday and monday closed. so rang up this morning and they are still shut

also my dad rang up to change his last tuesday and they didnt ring him back either

also, i rang up to insure my new car about a month ago, drove back to pick it up about 8pm but the sale fell thru (once i had already looked at the car and said id buy it, but buyer was being an arse) so i changed cars with HIC then once the sale fell thru and i could no longer get the car i rang them back at 9am the following morning and was charged no less the £54 to swap it back!!!!!!!!! absolute rip off and they refussed to give me any money back

had about 5 or 6 crap customer services from them in the past 2 months, so next year i will be taking my 2 cars, my dad is taking his 2 cars, my mam and girlfriend are all moving. i told them this and they didnt seem bothered

they may be cheap but they have no customer service, and i thought CIS was bad

rant over (something has to really piss me off before i rant)


Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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29th Mar 05 at 08:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i was thinking of going with them on me corsa

might stick with nu now
Mark Petty

Registered: 26th Jul 01
Location: Bournemouth Drives: Suzuki gsf600
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29th Mar 05 at 08:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I found they weren't that cheap on my new car. My 172 they quoted mt about £1500 fc, found it cheaper elsewhere at £530 fc.

They were cheap with my corsa though £280 with all mods covered. It seems they are good for modified cars.

I agree they never answer the phone, but all the times I have left my number they always phone back. I get my gf to do it as they seem to phone back very quickly with her

Registered: 25th May 01
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29th Mar 05 at 08:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

also they said i was not going to be charged for any mods, bloke went thru a longgg list of what i could do and not be charged, BUT when i took the policy out he said i was only covered up to £1500 worth of mods and ended up getting whacked with a bill once i had told him all the work i had done to the car

and, he said it was unlimited mileage policy BUT i know im limited to X thousand a year after i read the small print.
feels like i was told anything for them to get my money

Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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29th Mar 05 at 10:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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29th Mar 05 at 11:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have been with HIC for the last year, my insurance expires early april thank god.

Anyway, I have found them to be a terrible insurance company. Each time I phone up you are on the phone waiting for around 40 minutes before you can speak to someone.
They were the cheapest I could get back at the time, however once the policy was taken out and I was thinking of changing cars to a Pug 106 or Honda Civic VTI they would not even insure me, whereas Admiral would e.t.c.

And the WORST part happened in JAnuary this year. Yes I had an accident in the Corsa. A woman hit me in the back when I was staionary and she was doing 50mph. Phoned HIC and explained she accepted full responsibilty.
AFTER A MONTH AND A HALF of desling with HIC, who are actually underwritten by HIGHWAY and have AUTO INDEMNITY carryout repairs/write off the car and offer a Hire vehicle, I was paid out for the car.
I had to speak to all three of these companys and they were appauling at communicating with each other. I was phoning up every other day and was getting very pissed off.

I received my renewal the other day and read the statement. THey had put the accident as being my fault and that I had no ncb due to this.
After a angry phonecall (this is the only way to get through to these people!) they cahnaged the accident to her fault and gave me my ncb.

I would stay clear of HIC/HIGHWAY in my opnion. OH and changing any detail on the policy, say an extra mod will cost you an admin fee of £25.

Rant Over

Registered: 28th Mar 04
Location: North East
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29th Mar 05 at 11:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by M2RV H
and, he said it was unlimited mileage policy BUT i know im limited to X thousand a year after i read the small print.
feels like i was told anything for them to get my money

Adrian Flux did same with me. From their calculations, i'm only allowed to do 3,000 miles within the next 10 months.

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