Kyle T
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Registered: 11th Sep 04
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Well a few weeks ago, me and my mate stopped at McDonalds after work - went in, got our food and when we came out again I found my car was boxed into its parking space by two cars Id never seen before, and a bmw that i'd seen around college.
We sat in the car and waited while these lads had a good laff, then when they finally left, I got a ketchup thingy chucked at my car.
Anyway, last night I went to my same mates Ex Birds (theyre still mates) housewarming party and a Punto with an LED tailpipe from McDonalds was there, I went inside and these lads appeared from all three cars (they all came to the party int punto). They started talking to me and asked if the blue corsa was mine, I said yes and then walked back to my car, and put a socket wrench in my pocket because I thought something might kick off. At about 1.30am I went into the car to sort the sleeping bags out, I noticed my wing mirror was gone, I walked around the otherside and noticed the passenger one was also gone. I called out my mates and we found that my rear left wing has been keyed, my boot has been keyed to f00k and covered in yoghurt, my rear wiper blade is snapped off, and i found my rear number plate hanging from a fcuking tree 
They've proper done it over anyway, it looks a rite mess. Police were called and actually came round - some lad at the party claimed he say someone trying to tip my car over, so he passed over a few names, and the police are off to "investigate".
I've never met these cunts before, nevermind done something to piss em off!  
[Edited on 02-04-2005 by m0nDe0]
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Registered: 21st Oct 02
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Whats your corsa look like
Registered: 9th Jul 03
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What bastards 
Know how u feel. I need a full respray coz of some dirty irish bint keying my whole car 
Jelous fuckers they are!
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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- My Corsas pretty much standard on the exterior - pretty much all of my wages go towards insuring it and keeping it on the road, and things like that mean that after market wheels or anything like that are way out of the question 
Im well gutted, and oh yeah, they either slahed or let down one of my tyres aswell
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
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i think next time you see their cars cut their brake lines without them noticing
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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haha, I was talking to my uncle this morning who part owns a bodyshop for doing up emergency vehicles etc, and he said 9 times out of ten, if you jump around a bit on the roof of a bmw, it will write it off 
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: London .................. Drives: Astra IV
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just brick the f.uck out of it or take a screwdiver and scratch - dent the car to death
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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I just got a dremel off ebay the otherday too.
Its got 60 removable accesories, such as Cutting Disks, Sanders, Buffers and many more 
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Registered: 31st Oct 04
Location: East Ayrshire Scotland
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crap that is......
yep at good dose of revenge will make u feel 10 times better 
But could leave u worce off tbh..
but an eye for an eye sounds fair to me
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Simple was to fuck someones car is to throw nitromorse over the paint work then walk away.....power tools will make too much noise!!
Kyle T
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Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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Cheers guys/girls, but tbh - if i retaliate, i wont be able to take my car to college again, so maybe I should wait till summer, pay him a visit, then piss off to university
Cheers Colin... I'll err, bare that in mind 
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
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its not always the best to go and vandalise their cars even tho they did it to yours. theyl probably just come and do 2wice as much damage next time.
Registered: 31st Oct 04
Location: East Ayrshire Scotland
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nitromorse- the quick bubbling of his piant will make u fill with glee
good idea colin
Registered: 27th Jan 05
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pop his eyeballs...
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by L33 LEG
its not always the best to go and vandalise their cars even tho they did it to yours. theyl probably just come and do 2wice as much damage next time.
yes mate, thats what im thinking - I also hve a lot of respect for people who can afford BMWs at 18 - i know cars take a lot of work to keep on the road etc, but this has REALLY pissed me off
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Sorry bit big, but im on my Dads PC and hes got no decent software for resizing 
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Registered: 31st Oct 04
Location: East Ayrshire Scotland
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quote: Originally posted by m0nDe0
quote: Originally posted by L33 LEG
its not always the best to go and vandalise their cars even tho they did it to yours. theyl probably just come and do 2wice as much damage next time.
yes mate, thats what im thinking - I also hve a lot of respect for people who can afford BMWs at 18 - i know cars take a lot of work to keep on the road etc, but this has REALLY pissed me off
why respect them when they dont respect u ?....
EDIT: Just seen ur pics thats way out of order
[Edited on 02-04-2005 by RCoughtrie]
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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Well I dont anymore! I might just get my socket wrench out again
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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cunts go round maccys and wait for them then do the same to theres.
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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Fuck sake
Someone kicked in the side of my car years ago, I went off my head at the time but couldnt do anything about it because no one knew who done it. I eventually found out over a year later and got my revenge - it wasnt very pretty!!
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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quote: Originally posted by m0nDe0
quote: Originally posted by L33 LEG
its not always the best to go and vandalise their cars even tho they did it to yours. theyl probably just come and do 2wice as much damage next time.
yes mate, thats what im thinking - I also hve a lot of respect for people who can afford BMWs at 18 - i know cars take a lot of work to keep on the road etc, but this has REALLY pissed me off
well as most of you know my car got paintstripped and windows smashed last year, cost me around 700 quid to get it sorted but at end of the day its only money. if i went and smashed up their cars it would had been my life instead of my car getting punished.
Kyle T
Premium Member
Registered: 11th Sep 04
Location: Selby, North Yorkshire
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Well TBH mate, i would have prefered that if they had a problem with me, that they took it out with me - as i said i had a little friend in my pocket - ive worked fucking hard for that car 
Lotus Elise 111R
Impreza WRX STi
Registered: 7th Jul 03
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that is fucking harsh mate and bang out of order, but, for now let the cops deal with it, once they have leave it a few months then go get your revenge but cover your ass first 
Hate people like that, tbh if someone did that to my car it wouldnt be there car getting it it would be them!
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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ye i know what u mean, never understood why people take it out on our cars than come face to face with us.theyl jst be soft fuckers. so maybe instead of u going to vandalise their car, go and have a word with them and sort them out that way. be careful of weapons tho, iv got locked up 3 times for carrying shit like that, if i had used them id be fucked.