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Author Police Drivers

Registered: 19th Apr 02
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24th Jun 05 at 11:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Apparently are becoming more and more responsible for deaths/injuries on the roads. They say they can't afford the right amount of training.

Thoughts on this?

Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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24th Jun 05 at 11:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

they still drive better than the average chav in their corsa/saxo/punto

Registered: 7th Nov 02
Location: Kidderminster Drives: Astra VXR
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24th Jun 05 at 11:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So ur sayin everybody who drives a corsa is a chav?

Registered: 8th Nov 04
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24th Jun 05 at 11:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Kiddy_Corsa
So ur sayin everybody who drives a corsa is a chav?

he drives a punto he is saying it for effect

Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Tonbridge, Kent Drives : J7 00RSA
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24th Jun 05 at 11:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

was chattin to a police officer the other night, he said that only people who have passed certain stages of police driving or something like that are allowed to drive on blue lights now and also only certain cars. (don't take my word as gospel though as i can't remember exactly what he said )

[Edited on 24-06-2005 by graficxpress]

Registered: 7th Nov 02
Location: Kidderminster Drives: Astra VXR
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24th Jun 05 at 11:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Got ya!


Registered: 9th Dec 03
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24th Jun 05 at 13:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Driving with blue lights and sirens is far more dangerous than normal road conditions hence more accidents. The main problem is the general public don't know how to deal with emergency vehicles.

Grafficexpress - I don't know where he got that idea...all police officers have to do an advanced driving course enabling them to drive under emergency conditions although not all officers are traffic trained and are able to pursue.

Registered: 12th Jan 03
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24th Jun 05 at 14:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

but that copper that got clocked at 159mph, that was out of order.

Registered: 28th Feb 01
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24th Jun 05 at 14:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Kiddy_Corsa
So ur sayin everybody who drives a corsa is a chav?

sadly yes

Registered: 2nd Aug 02
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24th Jun 05 at 14:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The police are crap drivers and couldnt catch a cold...
There different classes of police drivers Class 1,2,3 etc class 1 and 2 can drive Irv Cars Such as T5, Octavia Vrs Mondeo V6 Etc. The difference between class 1 and 2 is how good you did on your driving test. class 3 etc drive focus's and astra diesels and some of them cant chase or even blue light...

[Edited on 24-06-2005 by Craigos]

Registered: 7th Aug 00
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24th Jun 05 at 14:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Craigos
The police are crap drivers and couldnt catch a cold...
There different classes of police drivers Class 1,2,3 etc class 1 and 2 can drive Irv Cars Such as T5, Octavia Vrs Mondeo V6 Etc. The difference between class 1 and 2 is how good you did on your driving test. class 3 etc drive focus's and astra diesels and some of them cant chase or even blue light...

[Edited on 24-06-2005 by Craigos]


Registered: 12th Jan 03
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24th Jun 05 at 14:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

apparently all their cars are superchipped..... ive seen a few of the newer astras flyin about. slow as shit.

Registered: 15th Jul 01
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24th Jun 05 at 14:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LukeGSi
Driving with blue lights and sirens is far more dangerous than normal road conditions hence more accidents. The main problem is the general public don't know how to deal with emergency vehicles.

Grafficexpress - I don't know where he got that idea...all police officers have to do an advanced driving course enabling them to drive under emergency conditions although not all officers are traffic trained and are able to pursue.

Also the general public dont see why they should have to kerb their alloys onto the pavement or take their splitter off to let an ambulance past

Registered: 2nd Aug 02
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24th Jun 05 at 14:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by greycorsa
apparently all their cars are superchipped..... ive seen a few of the newer astras flyin about. slow as shit.

ive been told that many of times. its a load of shit..

Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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24th Jun 05 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by SetH
Originally posted by LukeGSi
Driving with blue lights and sirens is far more dangerous than normal road conditions hence more accidents. The main problem is the general public don't know how to deal with emergency vehicles.

Grafficexpress - I don't know where he got that idea...all police officers have to do an advanced driving course enabling them to drive under emergency conditions although not all officers are traffic trained and are able to pursue.

Also the general public dont see why they should have to kerb their alloys onto the pavement or take their splitter off to let an ambulance past

The fear that it may be them inside it one day

Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Tonbridge, Kent Drives : J7 00RSA
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24th Jun 05 at 15:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LukeGSi
Driving with blue lights and sirens is far more dangerous than normal road conditions hence more accidents. The main problem is the general public don't know how to deal with emergency vehicles.

Grafficexpress - I don't know where he got that idea...all police officers have to do an advanced driving course enabling them to drive under emergency conditions although not all officers are traffic trained and are able to pursue.

Luke, I think that is what he might have been saying. Only the ones with the more advanced training (traffic trained) are allowed to now. I know that in the Fire service we have changed our procedures on how we drive to incidents with effect from the 1st of July, we will no longer drive to some 'special service incidents' on blues and twos, but proceed 'at normal road speed' instead, with no lights. this is for incidents life AFAs (Automatic fire alarms) people stuck in lifts etc.

Registered: 6th Aug 02
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24th Jun 05 at 17:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

IMO its down to poor driver training (public that is - they dont teach you shit when your learning) and also the volatility of police chases these days

Id still give anything to be a police pursuit driver

Registered: 1st Nov 04
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24th Jun 05 at 17:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by greycorsa
but that copper that got clocked at 159mph, that was out of order.

That cop defined super cool (note the italics).

The above statement is not opinion it is fact.

Registered: 1st Feb 01
Location: Dartford Kent Drives: 330cd
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24th Jun 05 at 17:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To be fair most of the accident happen due to uncontrollable circumstances like hessitant cars ,and people obstructing persuit cars on the road etc

There are various classes as peeple have mentioned above but who ever said they are shit drivers are plain cocks as Traffic cops have to do an advanced driving course which is not easy to pass.

You will find some of the best drivers out there are cops and ambulance drivers I know this for a fact and two of my mates are ambulance and ex police drivers.

Also as Vibs said they are better than any chav saxo/corsa/punto driver out there

Registered: 15th May 03
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24th Jun 05 at 17:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Fad
To be fair most of the accident happen due to uncontrollable circumstances like hessitant cars ,and people obstructing persuit cars on the road etc

There are various classes as peeple have mentioned above but who ever said they are shit drivers are plain cocks as Traffic cops have to do an advanced driving course which is not easy to pass.

You will find some of the best drivers out there are cops and ambulance drivers I know this for a fact and two of my mates are ambulance and ex police drivers.

Also as Vibs said they are better than any chav saxo/corsa/punto driver out there

i think doing the said course makes them a better driver, i dont think by any means it makes them the best drivers on the road, i think being a very good driver is like being good at anything else in the world, takes natural talent

Registered: 1st Feb 01
Location: Dartford Kent Drives: 330cd
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24th Jun 05 at 17:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well there is some element of having natural ability but rember the people who are not like this dont pass the courses end of

Registered: 4th Feb 04
Location: Tonbridge, Kent Drives : J7 00RSA
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24th Jun 05 at 17:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Skinz

i think doing the said course makes them a better driver, i dont think by any means it makes them the best drivers on the road, i think being a very good driver is like being good at anything else in the world, takes natural talent

Fair enough, some people naturally take to driving better than others, but i would say that good, safe driving on public roads comes from experience. You've only got to look at the facts - the largest age group to be involved in fatal or serious accidents is 17 - 25 year olds - and insurance premiums to work that out.

Registered: 6th Aug 02
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24th Jun 05 at 18:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Fad
To be fair most of the accident happen due to uncontrollable circumstances like hessitant cars ,and people obstructing persuit cars on the road etc

There are various classes as peeple have mentioned above but who ever said they are shit drivers are plain cocks as Traffic cops have to do an advanced driving course which is not easy to pass.

You will find some of the best drivers out there are cops and ambulance drivers I know this for a fact and two of my mates are ambulance and ex police drivers.

Also as Vibs said they are better than any chav saxo/corsa/punto driver out there

Registered: 10th Apr 02
Location: Berkhamsted, Drives Mk4 R32
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   24th Jun 05 at 18:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Skinz
Originally posted by Fad
To be fair most of the accident happen due to uncontrollable circumstances like hessitant cars ,and people obstructing persuit cars on the road etc

There are various classes as peeple have mentioned above but who ever said they are shit drivers are plain cocks as Traffic cops have to do an advanced driving course which is not easy to pass.

You will find some of the best drivers out there are cops and ambulance drivers I know this for a fact and two of my mates are ambulance and ex police drivers.

Also as Vibs said they are better than any chav saxo/corsa/punto driver out there

i think doing the said course makes them a better driver, i dont think by any means it makes them the best drivers on the road, i think being a very good driver is like being good at anything else in the world, takes natural talent

Being a good and / or quick driver on a track etc is very different to being a fast road driver. For example, the line you would take on a track through a bend is very different to an effective and safe line that an emergency driver would take.
Driving an emergency vehicle on a road is all about being able to see as far infront of you as possible and making the vehicle as visible to members of the public as possible, where as driving in conditions where there is no one else around in the same circumstances as a road (ie a track) requires you to take the fastest possible line.

Police, Ambulance, Fire etc are trained to a high level of hazard perception and view the road differently to everyone else, no matter what driving courses you may have done, therefore it is the case that the vast majority of emergency responce drivers are much better road drivers than general members of the public, but this does not mean that they are by any means the fastest at driving their normal cars around on the roads like a nob or on a track, it clearly means that they are safer in road conditions..............................

So now you know

As yes, i may be slightly biased doing what I do but someone has got to fight our corner

[Edited on 24-06-2005 by Meat-Pie-SRI]

Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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25th Jun 05 at 14:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well said meat pie

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