Registered: 18th Sep 05
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Right i'm selling my Sr50 scooter (not proud so dont laugh) for £800 in the local loot, but i got this email through the loot this morning from a potential buyer.
"Hello, How are you doing,I did saw your ad been placed on the net and i have much interested in buying the Scooter and i will want you to get back to me with the final asking price,the pictures if available and the present condition of it.Mind you payment will be by certified do get me the neccessary requirements so that we can proceed. I will be looking forward to read from you. Kind Regards Joe "
If you are interested, simply contact the Buyer directly by replying to
So i replyed Giving him details of the bike only, not of my address or details.
And i got this reply  
Thank you for response on my enquiry on the purchase of the bike you do have for sale as i did receive the picture of it.
I would love to proceed with the purchase of it as i will offer you £750 and if you do accept my offer i will make the payment to you by cheque and i am ok if you do have the cheque cleared at your bank before you do release the bike to me through my transporters that will be coming to get it picked-up.
As per payment i will mail you the cheque of £3000 and you will deduct £750 and make the remaining £2250 to the Transporters that will coming to pick-up the bike from your location down here to Malta.
I want you to get back to me with your full name,mailing address and phone number so that the check can be made out to you.
All seems pretty weird to me why the fook would you spend 3 grand getting a MOPED when you can buy a new one for about 2 grand. And why would you be looking at the british loot on the internet for a 50cc scooter if you lived in malta? +++++ why send me 3 grand i could be anyone.---------------------- my only theory is am i taking part in an international drug deal
ANyone else had someone like this buy a bike or car from them?
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Registered: 21st Apr 04
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Forget it 
April '06' Corsasport Feature Car | Aug '08' Total Vauxhall Feature Car | Spring '09' Fast Car Feature Car
Ludacris Turbo
Registered: 28th May 04
Location: High Green, Sheffield
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He's a con-man
Registered: 18th Sep 05
User status: Offline
LOL i'd say so too but then why is he saying he'll send me 300 grand first and let the check clear :S surely if the check clears the money is mine.
Registered: 24th Jan 05
User status: Offline
Stop asking questions. Its a scam.
Ludacris Turbo
Registered: 28th May 04
Location: High Green, Sheffield
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something like the cheque he sends turns out to be rubber in 5 months or something like that?
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Registered: 9th Apr 04
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get the £3000 cheque 
Corsa C Z20Let
Black Sleeper Turbo Project
Registered: 18th Sep 05
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quote: Originally posted by Ludacris Turbo
something like the cheque he sends turns out to be rubber in 5 months or something like that?
I'll make sure its paper before i cash it
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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Its a well documented scam, and you would be a fool to consider getting involved.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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something to do with it clearing first then after the good have been delivered something bounces and the cash is claimed back
Registered: 18th Sep 05
User status: Offline
Ok, just i had never heard of it being done before.
tooolbox timmy
Registered: 6th Dec 05
Location: lancashire
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they do it with cars advertised in the auto trader ,what they want from you is the final asking price which you then say then they offer you this ''great'' advertising service where you only pay x amount and they will sell your car in a week,its a dodgey back street company,ignore it m8i
Registered: 18th Sep 05
User status: Offline
Yer thats a scam and its easy to see how it works ect, but with this surely if i wait for the 3 grand to get into my bank account then im safe as long as the money has been fully transfered to me.
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Registered: 16th Sep 01
Location: Derbyshire
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yeah i think it clears and then later on it bounces, which leave u 3k out of pocket....
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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It bounces later, the money is recovered, you are out of pocket.
If you really are curious try it. Personally I would consider what happened to everyone else who thought this sounded a good idea.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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Its the Nigerian 419 Scam
Some fake lottery scams as well as other scams by gangs from Nigeria involve counterfeit monetary instruments, such as fake cashier's checks or US Postal Money Orders (MO). Counterfet instruments are also used in other scams from Nigeria, such as fraudulent purchases of cars, motor bikes and other vehicles as well as horses and other animals. By pretending to first make a payment to the victim, the criminals overcome a reluctance by the victim to send cash to a total stranger in another country.
So how does this work? Any funds made available by a bank against a deposited check or MO become due again when that check or MO bounces (i.e. is recognized as fake by the bank that supposedly issued it). This could be weeks or even months after those funds were wired to another country by the victim as requested by the criminals. The victim will in effect have wired money borrowed from the bank and will be fully liable for that amount.
The fake checks or MOs are normally mailed from Canada, Nigeria or the UK, though other countries are possible too. They may be part of an elaborate scheme where some person or institution lends funds to a "lottery winner" (the victim), who is unable to come up with the amount demanded for bogus "processing charges" or a minimum deposit for a fake "private bank". They are also used in purchases of big ticket items such as cars. The buyer will send a check that vastly exceeds the value of the car and request the seller to cash it and wire the excess amount to a person who will take care of shipping the purchased car to the buyer. Other examples are "debt repayment" from a third party by check or collecting payments from customers on behalf of a bogus company in Europe, Asia or Africa.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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Maybe this could be added in a topped Scams thread in classifieds ian?
[Edited on 28-01-2006 by Corsa_Sam]
Registered: 18th Sep 05
User status: Offline
Cheers i'll give him some abuse
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by Corsa_Sam
Maybe this could be added in a topped Scams thread in classifieds ian?
No - its so obvious I hardly want to clutter that forum yet further.
Registered: 19th Jan 06
Location: Stafford
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Biggest scam ever done so many times on eBay, do not sell him the Ped as you will not get your money
Registered: 18th Sep 05
User status: Offline
I aint doing so! Dont want to report to police or anything neither as i dont want my house torching lol
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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i had some of these when i was selling my old car, it said exactly the same thing.
they just want your address, so they can send you loads of shite.
Premium Member
Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
User status: Offline
they are sick if they wanna send shits through the post 
thats vibrios usual trick
[Edited on 28-01-2006 by Corsa_Sam]
Registered: 18th Sep 05
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Registered: 1st Dec 05
Location: Solihull, W Mids Drives: 45BHP beast!
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Probably the biggest scam going