Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » corsa sxi up for sale. guaging interest.

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Author corsa sxi up for sale. guaging interest.

Registered: 7th Jan 06
Location: medway towns
User status: Offline
8th Jun 06 at 18:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hi. just guaging interest. i have decided to get rid of my quite alot of you hve seen it now and no what it looks like.

corsa b shape sxi its on a v plate (2000) black .engine has done 72k, body could do with a porper respray but at a distance it doesnt look to bad. its got allloys rear lights (one has cracked have a set of standard ones some where if you want them. got a peco big bore 4 back box on it. and pipercross air filter up front. just had a new set of plugs put in it. color coded bumpers and arches.

im after around 2000 for it. am open to offers will post pics up of car tomorrow.

i will include all sterio and dvd player and screen for more sensible offer for it.

alpine 9853r h/u
jbl gto 75.4 4channel amp powering these below
infinity reference 160mm comps up front
solid audio f10d mono amp
powerbass extreme 15 inch sub in 4.5cuft ported box tuned to 33hz.
200 quids worth of wireing kit

centurion dvd player
5.6 dvd screen ill have to check the make as i dont no it off the top of me head.

the system is doing 137.7 db and has just won 3rd place in street bass c class at modified nationals 06 have trophie to prove it and certificate is bieng posted to me as we speak.

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » corsa sxi up for sale. guaging interest. 24 database queries in 0.0166428 seconds