Registered: 25th Feb 06
User status: Offline
as title peeps mine is falling apart i can reweld it if anyone has one wht do i need corsa to a f20 box isnt it and made longer thanxs
Registered: 13th Nov 05
Location: Greater Manchester
User status: Offline
apparently lengthened by an inch i think i was told mate cut on the u shape bit.
Registered: 29th Aug 05
Location: East Ayrshire
User status: Offline
Turn the plastic bush around
Registered: 25th Jun 05
Location: The Internet
User status: Offline
Cut and extend in the middle of the C shaped section by the same amount as the rear spacer, generally around 15mm. Make sure you keep all the fulcrum points in the same line.
The white plastic bush is for the Nova linkage which is different. Nor can Nova/Corsa linkages be mixed and matched as the male and female sockets are different sizes plus on the Corsa the linkage coming through the bulkhead is splined, on the Nova it has the retention on the end of it!