Registered: 14th Jul 06
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what is the best way to fit combat sideskirts onto my corsa sri? do they always have that lip along the top.
Registered: 1st Dec 05
Location: Solihull, W Mids Drives: 45BHP beast!
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Registered: 14th Jul 06
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thanx for the links. my mate says he shaved the lip off of his skirts and put them under the arches but i dont think that would look right! should i cut the bottom bits off my arches?
Registered: 14th Jul 06
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how do you secure the bottom edge in place?
Registered: 30th Oct 03
Location: Grimsby/Sheffield
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right mate, fine are slightly different to yours as mine are smoothed into custom arches....before they were smoothed we had to fit them snormally though.
Firstly offer the skirts up to the car. Mine were bought direct from psg and were 30mm too long so had to cut the end of the skirt, chop a bit out and fibreglass the end back on. We then welded the metal rail supplied with the skirts to the bottom of the car...fibreglassed amouting points on the skirts and then put about 6 self tappers and washers through each side.
As for the end mine have 2 L shaped brackets and 2 bolts countersunk in.
.....Its a pain in the arse to get them to fit 100% spot on but mine arnt going any where.At the end of the day, you dont want to be driving through a puddle and loosing your skirt.
Here is a pic, sorry about the quality, taken off my phone
Registered: 21st Jan 03
Location: Ballymena N.I.
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if they have a lip that goes under the door id cut it off cause it looks crap screwed or riveted down into the sill and bond always seems to lift in there over time and they will hit ur doors and take the paint off. nearly everyone i know who has skirts that slip below the doors has trouble with this. me included.
Registered: 14th Jul 06
User status: Offline
thanx fellas. i seem to have cheap copies of your skirts steve. there are no l shaped bits on mine. got no metal rail either