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Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
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South Central Meet #2
Hello guys. Right shall we try for this coming Sunday up the top of the Hill at 4pm in the Micks Monster Burger car park? Trying for the last Sunday of the month thing.
If not could arrange it for the next week. Weather isn't due to be too bad this weekend so could try it? I've u2u'd a load of you about it, so if you could come it would be great.
Feedback from you guys would be ace. We did ok last time and got 7 cars iirc.
Cheers Phil
Edit: I meant September 
[Edited on 21-09-2006 by VegasPhil]
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
User status: Offline

From last time...
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Registered: 5th Oct 03
Location: Farnborough
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I think you have your date wrong August has been and gone
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Alton/Windsor
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im around sunday hopefully have my car back as being lowered saturday maybe
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
User status: Offline
Cheers Chris Doh! 
Yeh Ian, will be good to see you again. What suspension did you go for on the Corsa?
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Registered: 6th Jul 06
Location: Fareham, Hampshire
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im working sunday till 4!
Registered: 4th Feb 03
Location: Fair Oak, Hampshire
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I probably cant make this as I am planning on going climbing that day, but if it falls through i will be there.
Registered: 5th Nov 03
Location: with MJ
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i won't be able to make this sorry guys family meal planned
Registered: 10th Sep 06
Location: Portsmouth Drives: Astra Sport
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I soo want to come but that day is my other halfs birthday!! 
Next weekend would be fantastic though if thats better for everyone else too (that would be 1st of october).......really dont want to miss my first one! 
[Edited on 21-09-2006 by LAD VXL]
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
User status: Offline
It's really seeing if many people could make this weekend. If next weekend is better for you all let me know!
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Rich H
Registered: 26th Oct 05
Location: West Sussex Drives: E46 M3
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This weekend isnt best option for me tbh Maybe next weekend?
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Alton/Windsor
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cant do next weekas at work at 6pm but hey theres allways another one
just springs at mo not coilovers want to see what its like first hopefully will be done saturday
Registered: 10th Sep 06
Location: Portsmouth Drives: Astra Sport
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so does this mean its going to be on the first then?
If so i'm in;
1/ Lad vxl
Registered: 5th Oct 03
Location: Farnborough
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If other people are going il come.
Registered: 5th Oct 03
Location: Farnborough
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Unless someone replys in the next 15 mins im not coming, sorry
Registered: 10th Sep 06
Location: Portsmouth Drives: Astra Sport
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so does this mean its This weekend? The 1st of October?
Rich H
Registered: 26th Oct 05
Location: West Sussex Drives: E46 M3
User status: Offline
Ok somebody let me know whats happening please!!!
This weekend isnt great for me tbh, nor weekend after 
But obv that doesnt mean you cant have the meet, I will just miss out!
Registered: 1st Apr 06
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Can someone let us know when the next meet is as i haven't been to one yet and got told im missing out on loads.
Would love to come.
Registered: 10th Sep 06
Location: Portsmouth Drives: Astra Sport
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Lets call it a meet on sunday (This sunday 1st October)
Who else is coming?
I will be there in the green Corsa
Rich H
Registered: 26th Oct 05
Location: West Sussex Drives: E46 M3
User status: Offline
What time we talking? Im meant to be in Pompey visiting the GF at uni, but she hates cars So it may be off the agenda for me
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
User status: Offline
I think i'm going to be busy fannying about putting electric windows and stuff in my car. Will try to attend if I can though! Sorry everyone. Will try to reorganise a full meet soon, When is good for everyone?
And when do the clocks change?!
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Rich H
Registered: 26th Oct 05
Location: West Sussex Drives: E46 M3
User status: Offline
Most Sundays will be good. I will now be in Southsea area a lot anyway as the GF has moved into a house there for uni.
Clocks change at end of October iirc but it will be gettin wanky lighting from about 4.30/5> soon!
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Alton/Windsor
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and cant do sunday next as im flying out on hols to mallorca today about time i had some time out from work and the uk ...
Registered: 10th Sep 06
Location: Portsmouth Drives: Astra Sport
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quote: Originally posted by ianww
and cant do sunday next as im flying out on hols to mallorca today
oh shoosh your just boasting
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Alton/Windsor
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by LAD VXL
quote: Originally posted by ianww
and cant do sunday next as im flying out on hols to mallorca today
oh shoosh your just boasting
Back now did this meet or a meet go ahead been asked to go to the south east one on the 5th November just working out my shifts for the next few weeks first ......