Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Corsa SRI 2.0 xe

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Author Corsa SRI 2.0 xe

Registered: 21st Jun 05
Location: Runcorn, Cheshire
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10th Oct 06 at 13:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Red M reg corsa sri xe for sale.

I bought this in April as a project to do up over the summer and winter but due to owing so much money out to people it has to go

The lad I bought it off knew very little about it but I've been told it has an early xe (not sure on mileage),calibra 16v brakes and an f20 gearbox.It came with a few receipts and the head gasket was done about two months before I bought it.

Its not lowered but comes with 16" corsa c sri alloys with the usual scuffs.

Inside it has a cd/dvd player and a motorised monitor but that isnt installed at the minute as I had just started to modify the dash to fit it in.The dash has had the centre vents cut out for some gauges and I was going to fibre glass the MFD on the top to create a frame for the monitor but will not have the chance.A new centre panel is a tenner from the scrappy.

It has done 91k miles and the MOT runs out next feb with the tax running out in feb as well.

The bad bits are that it came with red front arches instead of black and I have taken the passenger side off but not got round to fitting a new one and the drivers side is still red,1hrs work and £10 from the scrapppy.

As mentioned before about the centre panel and the drivers seat bolster has gone as well.

The engine always started first time but recently takes a few turns every now and then and it sounds like the starter motor struggling.

The lad before cut some holes in the parcel shelf for some 6x9s so still has the holes there,again a couple of quid from a scrappy and the bonnet release cable needs replacing but you can still open the bonnet ok.

Its a great car and just needs a bit of time and cash spent on it.
I bought it for £1050 and have spent about £250 on it since.
Asking price £900 ono.I've tried to be as honest as I can and if someone wants a cheap xe or a project its perfect.

My mobile is buggered at the min so u2u for any more info.

[Edited on 10-10-2006 by craigp]

Registered: 11th Oct 03
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10th Oct 06 at 13:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

what car u after next bud think i am gonna get somethin like this when i sell me rs

Registered: 21st Jun 05
Location: Runcorn, Cheshire
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10th Oct 06 at 14:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

nothing at the minute mate

I have decided to get all my bills paid off over the next year or so and then get another then.

Registered: 5th Mar 06
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10th Oct 06 at 16:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

roughly how far are you from brum mate?

Registered: 21st Jun 05
Location: Runcorn, Cheshire
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10th Oct 06 at 16:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

about 1hr 30 mate

forgot to say it has a little bit of rust on the tailgate and the paint on the spoiler is flaking.

Registered: 21st Jun 05
Location: Runcorn, Cheshire
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11th Oct 06 at 16:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 15th Sep 05
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11th Oct 06 at 17:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

somone must want that, i do but its too far, theres more money in breaking it tbh
Chris C

Registered: 2nd Jan 05
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11th Oct 06 at 17:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ANy pics of the engine bay ??
jimmy 2.1

Registered: 17th Oct 05
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11th Oct 06 at 17:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i'll have a word with my mate on this, trouble is though he's away working in wales and has lost his mobile so won't see/hear from him till friday night

Registered: 21st Jun 05
Location: Runcorn, Cheshire
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11th Oct 06 at 18:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Right I've just had a mate look at it tonight and he reckons its going to need front pads and a tyre on the front in the next 1000 miles.

£800 buys it with the dvd/cd player/monitor and spend £200-300 on it and a bit of tlc and you've got a decent xe corsa.Theres 1.4 sri's going for the same price in the trader and on ebay.

this is the dash as it is,I cut it out to stick one of these in from ebay.

The front arch

The rust on the tailgate

I've tried to as honest with this car as I can cause I hate getting messed around when buying cars myself,I will try to answer any questions but like I said the lad I bought it off knew very little so unfortunately thats the situation Im in plus I have the mechanical knowledge of a spoon.When I bought I did a hpi check and it came back all clear.

My mobiles up and running so you can get me on 07921871608.

[Edited on 11-10-2006 by craigp]

Registered: 8th Aug 04
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12th Oct 06 at 01:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

like the car mate was just wondering it might be me but are the headlights sitting off abit at the front? ive got a mate whos interested in the car he will register for the site in the morning or use my account to get a hold of you


Registered: 21st Jun 05
Location: Runcorn, Cheshire
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12th Oct 06 at 18:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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