Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
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not sure if people can remember, but last time i posted up about my car, a so called mate fcuked it up for me! so i just thought i would post up some info about where i am with the car now!
Firstly, The car has had numerous troubles right form the word go, which i wont go into as that's all boring and i mentioned it previously!, however even after a complete strip down, and everything either checked, reconditionered or replaced with new parts! The lad doing it managed to strip the threads on the block leaving me with a car that just constantly overheated!!
so after this really bad start, i decided that there must be some meaning in that saying, "if you want something doing.........."
So i did just that, i have had ago myself! well with the aid of my old man, My good friend Chris (C0rsa) and constantly quizing the guys on migweb! Well so far i am very happy with myself for getting it as far as i have! I know this is prob a not a big job compared to some other prohects, but as i am an accountant and have never aven tried any of this before I am chuffed!
I will keep you updated with progress over the next few weeks, and hopefully longer as this is where i am drawing the line with this car if it goes wrong again as i have spent enough money trying to get a good running engine, I really want this to be right but there is only so much so you can spend!!! especially just trying to get it right!
anyway......... Here are some pics of the car and previous work done by other people:
this is the old rebuild:

when the above was done, i had:
Completely reconditioned head inc: New followers, stem seals, valves reseated, refaced etc
crank reground: with all bearing to match etc
New piston rings, oil pump, water pump, all gaskets, Arp rod bolts, crank sensor
i think that was it.... anyway all the good work was ruined by the thread being stripped!!!
so now I have now had the helicoils done:

i have also bought a new head gasket and studs of steveboyslim!! Thanks Steve!!!
I have got the studs in and the head has come back from the engineers, pressure tested, flatness checked & and the bloke said he vac tested the valves or something? so hopefully the head is all good and should cause me no problems!

Fitted and torqued up the head, was not easy had to drop both the front mounts so i could get the head past the inlet! was a bit of a mission! also was first time i have ever used a torque rench, fookin hell was flapping it on the last turns, fookin tight though, was a bit worried about the helicoiled threads but they all went in ok!!! last one did not seem to be as easy as i thought it was just turning, but evenetually it did torque up and all were sound!

Now that the hardest work was done it was a case of fitting all the other bits on, now firday night as i am trying to save money, i stayed in and done the car with a good friend of mine!! (cheers chris) we managed to get quite a bit done, all the mounts back on, cleaned up the faces on the exaust and inlet and then got them both back on and left it there for the night!
Chris doing some of the inlet:

i have everything crossed that when i get it finished that it will be spot on!!! so then i can finally get on and enjoy it!!!!
me doing the exhaust:

and finally on last sauturday, got as much on as possible! before the cam belt as i want my old man to help me with that! just never done one before so i am a bit worried about it!!!
got the fuel rail on, top hat, rocker cover, and all the other fairly easy bits! so this is where it is now!!!

progress has been fairlt steady, but i am chuffed with how well things have gone back togther, have had a few small problems but still have actually really enjoyed doing the work myself!!! well with a lots of help from my old man and my good mate chris hackett!!!
[Edited on 26-10-2006 by Rich_J_Williams]
[Edited on 30-10-2006 by Rich_J_Williams]
Registered: 25th Oct 06
User status: Offline
looking good , keep up the good work, any pics of the car as a whole?
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
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before you moan - sorry ash still no better photo's!!!! the car has not been on the road for a while!!
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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looking good.
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
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Brillinat project. I remember reading about your lad luck first time around.
Glad it came together for you 
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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looking good, last bit of work done my engine (XE) was due to threads getting stripped (something common it seems). I didnt go for the head studs as I didnt like the idea of having to drop a mount to get the head off (with inlet still attached)!
Good work!
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline
actually got the cam belt back on last night, but forgot to take some pics! bit of a mission to be honest!!! but then nothing seems easy on vauxaull!!!
i am just getting worried now as its getting close to cruch time!!! i am gonna have to actually test my car!!! hope it finally works properly as i have put quite a lot of time and effort into hopefully getting it right!!
but as i have put it back togther i have repalced anything that seem warn etc, ven simple washers, screws etc! so i really cant see what can really go wrong!
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
User status: Offline
I'm going to be enjoying the whole XE thing soon
You got a runaround car?
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline
yes, i have its a ford escort, only cost me £250 taxed and MOt'd its an 1800 dielsel. slow as fcuk but brilliant on fuel!
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
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quote: Originally posted by VegasPhil
I'm going to be enjoying the whole XE thing soon
you gonna do the work yourself?
Registered: 15th Jul 02
Location: Up in the clouds
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very nice mate.. top marks all round
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
you should come to the RR day... only 100 miles away or so:
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
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i really would like to!!!! when is the closing date, as i just need to see how the car runs when i finally pluck up the ballbag to crank it over! could be this weekend though!
Registered: 21st Nov 05
User status: Offline
brilliant mate!
im thinkin about buildin an XE corsa in my garden over a bit of time lol just workin up the balls for it still!
good work keep it up
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline
i would have a go mate, whats the worst that can happen, you get so far and give up, then you pay someone to finish it!!!
i have learnt so much about engines in general, especially this engine! and i feel much better about the car for doing it myself!
[Edited on 26-10-2006 by Rich_J_Williams]
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
User status: Offline
Yeh probably will do it myself
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
Registered: 1st Jun 04
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quote: Originally posted by VegasPhil
Yeh probably will do it myself
Plenty of us local to you to sort it out.
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline
People will help you with advice anyway, on here and on MIG, i have asked countless questions, some of them prob concidered basic! but still they are always really helpfull!!
Registered: 4th Jan 06
Location: Coventry
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So when you coming round to show me the new and improved C20LET?
Especially after all my expert assistance!!!
Doing up bolts is my speciality!
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline
Mate you can be co pilot on the test drive if you like!
i need to come past yours anyway, you left them overalls in a right mess and my old man is a bit sore with you!!! he asked if your gonna give them a wash,      
that will teach you for weaing overalls twice the the size you need ....... not sure if i have got confused on that one!
Registered: 4th Jan 06
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline
3/4 overalls are the new fashion mate!!
You'll see Alonso wearing them next year for F1!!
Explain to your old man that i was hoping to keep them as they fit so well and make me look like a better mechanic!!
i'll be the co pilot though mate!! you just clock up the 1500 boring miles then pick me up for when the fun can start
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
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the funniest thing about it was it took me till the second time i saw you in them to notice that they were a tab short on the leg!!! 
my brother walks in and instantky comments on the 6 inch gap between the floor and the beggiing of your overalls!!!
then it dawned upon me that my old man is about 5ft 8 and you are 6ft 5!! not surprsing that they are a bit of a snig fit!!! 
Registered: 4th Jan 06
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline

Whats left to get done now then mate?
When are you going for that all important first attemp at a start??
Registered: 15th Aug 05
Location: Coventry
User status: Offline
hopefully not long mate could be as soon as 2night, but dont really know yet, if not 2night the it will be saturady!!!
fingers crossed!
Premium Member
Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by BYRON
quote: Originally posted by VegasPhil
Yeh probably will do it myself
Plenty of us local to you to sort it out.
Will bear that in mind 
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold