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Author Alex Tew - Million Pixel Guy

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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5th Dec 06 at 11:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Alex Tew is releasing his next idea....

Selling pixels as last time, but for $2 each. Then at the end he will give away $1m to a random sponsor, and $100k to someone who clicked on that sponsor aswell as $100k to a charity of their choice.

This is exactly as I was offering when I was copying his site but took it a little further. That mofo better not of turned things round and copied me

Its not a bad idea, will probably work for him as has the name, aswell as the links in the media who will spread the word around. But TBH with $1m I could of come up with a much better idea to make money than that, but unimaginative if you ask me.

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5th Dec 06 at 11:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

what was your site again?

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5th Dec 06 at 11:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yeah, was pointless after he finished his, buzz around it just died so didnt even bother with it. Was worth the risk incase it did tun out to be popular, didnt lose anything!

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5th Dec 06 at 11:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

The new website, 77k already and only went live today (or poss yesterday!)

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5th Dec 06 at 12:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Who clicks on half that shit though... only reputable company on there is same last time they were all shitty companies!
All Torque

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5th Dec 06 at 12:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Shall we put some cash together to get on there?
All Torque

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5th Dec 06 at 12:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robbo
Who clicks on half that shit though... only reputable company on there is same last time they were all shitty companies!

Hold the cursor over some links... they're all casinos and travel sites and 'myspace' type sites, the same shit you get as pop-ups!

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5th Dec 06 at 12:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cosmos u make any money from it last time?

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5th Dec 06 at 12:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robbo
Who clicks on half that shit though... only reputable company on there is same last time they were all shitty companies!

hence why he is offering the chance to win $100k to someone who clicks, makes it more worth while for sponsors to buy the adverts.

Either way, its all money to him

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5th Dec 06 at 12:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AndyW
cosmos u make any money from it last time?

enough to cover any costs and a nice little bit ontop for very little time on it

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5th Dec 06 at 14:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it's a stupid idea, always was!

The only reason it worked is because it got a lot of media coverage, and thus his site was actually getting hits and people therefore wanted advertising on it.

If you had come up with the idea before him, and not got the media coverage (luck) you would not of made any money at all. 2 problems with this one,...

The fact it is a lottery, surely you need a license for an online lottery!

and secondly it once again needs media coverage (which he may get as he is already known etc... probably now has links with media etc) - but as you found out, if you had your own site it wouldn't work!

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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5th Dec 06 at 14:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im sure he has the right license for running a lottery, he looks to have the rest of the legal stuff sorted so cant see why he wouldnt.

TBH it is a shite way to advertise, but its certainly not a stupid idea. Its made him a million, and will probably make him a lot more now. But you right about it only working due to media coverage, and that was mainly down to it being different and new....hence why I wanted to do something different in offering a prize and money to a charity...both of which he is doing now

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5th Dec 06 at 14:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Interestingly the image is in a folder called rounds and named 1... So blatently he's gonna do rounds of the lottery.

Ultimately I still stand by the fact it's a stupid idea, it's like bottle air. In a normal scenerio he wouldn't of even made a penny on it.

It's typical cache 22, no one would want to go to his site if he has no advertising and no one would want to advertise on it without people going there.

Infact, I don't think anyone went there thinking 'I want to click some links' - they went there as they heard about it on the news / forums.

It's no different to the guy who had the website saying he wanted 250,000 hits and his bird would let him have a 3-some (apart from he keeped upping his target and only put advertising on well after it had died down).

The genius idea is not the site, it's how he got the media coverage. To which we don't know. As afterall, if you email a show and say 'check out my site' they won't.

This site will possibly be a sucess like his last one, but only because one again he's got the media spin / hear say factor. I've just clicked your link.

so that's another person... but only out of curiousity, not as I wanted to click links on the site (hence the snowball again).


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5th Dec 06 at 14:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah i agree lol it was and still is a stupid idea.

but like many things in life he did it at the right time and made a mint.

from an advertising point of view its wasted money.

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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5th Dec 06 at 14:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I still dont see how its a stupid idea.

Its a stupid way to advertise, no doubt about that. But def not a stupid idea from him for himself (but for others, its just plain stupid!)

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5th Dec 06 at 14:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

How is it wasted money from an advertising point of view?

The last site was on tv all over the world, and this thing called the internet.

Thats quite a bit of advertising for any company on the site imo.

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5th Dec 06 at 14:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah thats what i meen a stupid way to advertise not a stupid idea, i agree.

John tbh if some one said the sky was blue you would disagree and say its yellow as you just seem to want to argue with everyone, regardless if your right or not.

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5th Dec 06 at 14:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Exactly my point John

All advertising is afterall is getting your company's image infront of a large audience. People do it in loads of stupid ways (tattoos on someones head, paracute into a sports stadium, etc.). He just came up with a new and novel way to do it, the press embraced it which attracted the audience, so companies embraced it and he sold $1m in 4 months!

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5th Dec 06 at 14:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ffs no I wouldn't.

People just don't seem to like being pulled up for talking rubbsh.

Was my point too valid and you're not happy that you were totally wrong

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5th Dec 06 at 14:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ssj_kakarot
John tbh if some one said the sky was blue you would disagree and say its yellow as you just seem to want to argue with everyone, regardless if your right or not.

but he is right in this case

Its a stupid way as the majority bought tiny little pixels that wont be seen or clicked. But for those buying larger sections is would of been huge exposure. It was all over leading news sites, forums, blogs, etc. all over the globe. The Times ran a full page pic of the site which in itself would cost well more than the pixels!!

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5th Dec 06 at 14:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ssj_kakarot
John tbh if some one said the sky was blue you would disagree and say its yellow as you just seem to want to argue with everyone, regardless if your right or not.

I suggest you learn the difference between rubbishing the views of the ignorant and stating points based on common sense with facts to back it up

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5th Dec 06 at 14:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

fair play to him i say , well done.

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5th Dec 06 at 17:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

He has the name, but more importantly, he has timed it properly. Cosmo's idea was good, but no one really cared then because Alex Tew's idea had just got in the press, so therefore was in the limelight. That and about 100 other sites offering the same gimmik appeared overnight. You need to time things right to be able to get away with the novelty factor.

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5th Dec 06 at 17:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed
Cosmo's idea was good, but no one really cared then because Alex Tew's idea had just got in the press, so therefore was in the limelight.

yeah, thats the main reason I didnt bother trying to push it anymore. Anyone trying what he is now wouldnt get anywhere either, but because his first one worked people are automatically intrigued as to what he will try next, so instantly gets the press coverage he needs to get the ball rolling.

The only thing with this one is that I dont think the press will keep track like they did last time. They may run the story at the beginning (now) and at the end once it is filled, but expect it will be down to forums and blogs to keep people visiting during it all.

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5th Dec 06 at 17:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yea, keep on trying though. The guy I work for came up with an idea once after looking at something for a second. Patented it, and it now earns him about £30k a year as he gets 8% from every unit sold. But he wont tell me what it is

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