Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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I started this thread on migweb and i was surprised by the answers recieved:
When i had the GSi badges still on my XE Corsa i got v little or no attention from 1.2/1.4 Corsas and Novas and occasionally got the odd VTR/VTS but it was mainly older drivers 25-35 in Audis, Astras, Vectras and Taxi drivers in Diesel Skodas.
Now without the badges i get loads of young boyracers trying it on.
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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i never really get people trying to race me.
Some dude in a diesel audi tried it on whilst i was on the phone to stevew I won the end.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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Some tit in an Evo 8 MR all the time, must be in his 30's
Registered: 13th Dec 05
Location: Downham Market, Norfolk
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Round my way it's usually some punk in a 1.1 saxo or Mr salesman in his company BMW 318i.
Cupra Steve
Registered: 7th Nov 06
User status: Offline
younger people in the 106, older guys in the ibiza, but a few boys tried it on not knowing it was a 1.8t.
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Registered: 27th Mar 04
Location: Ellesmere Port, Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by Dean_W
Round my way it's usually some punk in a 1.1 saxo or Mr salesman in his company BMW 318i.
although i did get ruined by some 70 odd year old the other week in his merc clr
Registered: 3rd May 00
Location: Madchester UK Drives: 2014 BMW M135i
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I had a ruck with an M3 CSL last night, he was prob in his mid 30's! Rolling from 75 to about 130ish.
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Registered: 16th Jan 05
Location: Fareham, Hants Drives: Octavia VRS
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I've experienced a race with the number 80 bus this morning.
Other HGV's and 80 year old Doris on her Mobility Scooter frequently cause me problems. 
Corsa 2.0 16v Vegas - Sold
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
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I get people driving on my ass all the time. Not really any car in particular these days, apart from BMW/Audi's. I always dust them tho. Not had an opportunity with an M3 yet and the ones I have seen on the motorway haven't took the bait
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
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tits who drive 1.1 saxo's near us. Everybody else leaves me alone as they know what lurks underneath the bonnet
on the moterway i get usual type fat blokes in big cars.
Oh last one i had was a young lad bout my age in a corrado going on to the motorway Give him a proper good run for his money
Ste L
Registered: 3rd Jul 06
Location: Manchester Drives: 106 16v Rallye
User status: Offline
i get it off young 18 year olds all the time....
had one at the lights the other day reving the tit's off his engine, and staring at me..
just finished work, and couldn't be arsed with it all, just though you wanker, and just drove slowly from the lights
Registered: 13th Oct 04
Location: Mid Wales
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quote: Originally posted by Ste L
i get it off young 18 year olds all the time....
had one at the lights the other day reving the tit's off his engine, and staring at me..
just finished work, and couldn't be arsed with it all, just though you wanker, and just drove slowly from the lights
wait til you get your xe in
Ste L
Registered: 3rd Jul 06
Location: Manchester Drives: 106 16v Rallye
User status: Offline
i never raced the nova on the road to be honest...
just like giving it some down the country lanes
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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It's mainly 18-20 yrolds here, Apart from when i lived in Halifax, some chaves tried it once, was in the same car as me but i owned him. Sad cunts followed me a tried starting on me cos i did him. Pricks...fuckin hate chavs...scruffy bastards!
Registered: 7th Feb 06
Location: Preston
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No one has tried it on withthe Cupra yet, when i was in the pug i remember one time, i went to the chip shop for tea, and as i parked up directly in front of me was a tatty xr2i which sounded like a shitty diesel, as i came out of the shop the passenger rolled down his window and said, "here u are mate, what engine's in that?" told him it was a 1.6 16v and he said wanna race? I said nah mate you're alright, they then proceeded to follow me all the way home till we got to some traffic lights, i gave him about two car lengths, set off side by side, i accelerated to about 40 still went past him and left it at that!
Andy Stocker
Registered: 31st Aug 00
Location: Herts Drives: Porsche 911
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Had it all the time in C13, Punto & 2.0 GSi but people don't seem to bother me in the Scoob.... yet
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Manchester
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There's this stretch of road near me, it's on an industrial estate and everyone bombs it down it, I can get to just below 130mph
Anyway, if a car is driving 30mph down there people will always blast past it, yet if i'm doing 30mph everyone just sits behind nicely 
I must admit, I have my hand on the stick ready to drop it to 2nd and dust any cunt that tries tho
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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No one tries to race me. But thats probably because I drive a car meant for the over 65's...
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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Only proper race I had was with a Audi A6 3.0 TDI driven by some black dude who looked like he was in his 30's. No-one else has tried anything.
Registered: 19th Dec 02
Location: Cambs Drives:M3 & X3
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Used to get all sorts race me in my old xe corsa. Had so many 1.1 fiesta's or 1.0 corsa's try it on, used to let them get along side me and just infront, then blast off into the distance
I dont take my new corsa out enough to have raced anyone
Cupra Steve
Registered: 7th Nov 06
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by joe6886
Only proper race I had was with a Audi A6 3.0 TDI driven by some black dude who looked like he was in his 30's. No-one else has tried anything.
Be careful with them!!!! I thought i'd have a play with one, turned out to be old bill.
Registered: 4th Feb 05
Location: North Yorkshire
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i get 106's and saxos trying but i dnt even bother as id get dicked on with my 1.2 8v lol. so i drive normally and it pisses them off lol. tossers
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
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Good shout, luckily he was'nt. Still kicked his ass to be fair.
Registered: 7th Feb 01
Location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
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never really had a road race apart from a chap in a 325 on the way to pvs last year.
I smoked him, then went full circle round the next roundabout so i could do it again.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
User status: Offline
I made said Evo drive at 20mph for 1/4 mile last week