Registered: 12th Dec 06
Location: North Yorks Drives: MK3 Seat Cupra
User status: Offline
got a parking ticket today! but i shouldnt of.
my ticket was actually given for not showing me disc properly, even though you can see ALL of my disc, and the ticket's bin nicely put next to it too....
then on the ticket, they say my car's black.....when its ARDEN BLUE.
think i can get off? Gna use me passenger as a witness as i had the right time on the disc too
John G
Registered: 18th Jul 05
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
User status: Offline
sounds like someone who was parked next to you has put there ticket on your car!
doesnt it have any reg on the ticket!
they will have taken pictures as wel as handing you the tick as proof
so they should clear it up
Registered: 12th Dec 06
Location: North Yorks Drives: MK3 Seat Cupra
User status: Offline
nar theyve got my reg - unfortunatly
John G
Registered: 18th Jul 05
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
User status: Offline
wel i dont think uv got much of a chance then mate
All Torque
Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
User status: Offline
You won't have to pay, their data is incorrect. Take pictures of your car CLEARLY showing the reg, tax, colour, make/model and the parking ticket and post them off as evidence.
All Torque
Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
User status: Offline
There was another thread about this type of thing a couple of days ago, Jobsworthy PAs 
Registered: 12th Dec 06
Location: North Yorks Drives: MK3 Seat Cupra
User status: Offline
WOOO! some council official i talked to said that id havta pay because the guy mita bin colourblind - my arse! no ofence but shouldnt employ him.
is like a colourblind traffic cop - CHASING A........SLIIIIGHLTY GREY CAR........BEHIND ANOTHER GREY ONE AND A DARK GREY BUS!
[Edited on 17-01-2007 by dan_c4rsa]
All Torque
Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
User status: Offline