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Author corsa b alarms, standard vauxhall? fitting others along side keeping deadlocks?
Stokie Dave

Registered: 16th Dec 03
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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24th Jan 07 at 16:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hi dudes and dudettes. I've got a 1999 Corsa Sport 1.6 and it's got the boggo Vauxhall alarm fitted including deadlocks... I got a few questions

Does the standard alarm simply only go off if the doors are somehow forced open? Or does it go off if you smack the car one too?

I want to keep the deadlock function but been thinking about adding an alarm with remote central locking so I can use a fob... now will I need to disconnect the vauxhall alarm if I add another one with RCL? and if I DONT need to remove the vauxhall one, I assume if I deadlock the car with the key, the RCL wont work anyway until i manually unlock the doors?

If you can get an alarm which can also activate the deadlocks on the doors, i am assuming it'd then be safe to delock the car also? as ultimately that'd be great but I want to keep the deadlocks in action

Thanks all

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24th Jan 07 at 16:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Smacking the car will require an ultrasonic impact detector.

Bricks thru the windows are detected by ultrasonic sensors in pillars.

Most of todays alarms have a trigger wire so what you can use your original Vauxhall key to arm and disarm the system so that both work side by side.

[Edited on 24-01-2007 by Richie]
Stokie Dave

Registered: 16th Dec 03
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24th Jan 07 at 16:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cool nice one richie, getting there now.

my car looks as though it has some sensor between the interior lights in the middle, not sure what it does exactly lol

i dont wanna pay silly money cuz 1) i aint got it and 2) i aint keeping the car THAT long but do any of you know of any cheaper alarms which are highly recommended? dont have to be thatcham approved aslong as they're reliable and efficient

[Edited on 24-01-2007 by Stokie Dave]

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24th Jan 07 at 19:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

my rcl doesnt operate my dead locks and i dont think it can be done!!

might be needing to change the solenoids on mine tho as it is playing up, trying to trigger itself etc!!
Stokie Dave

Registered: 16th Dec 03
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24th Jan 07 at 22:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yer i was thinkin i dont think its possible do deadlocks... i'll have to remember to unlock me doors first lol

anyone recommend some good companies who fit and are cheap?
Stokie Dave

Registered: 16th Dec 03
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13th Feb 07 at 23:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

random question about the standard alarm...

what will cause it to keep goin off when i unlock the doors then open it? jus randomly goes off sometimes? sometimes its fine others it goes off, annoying outside a mates house at 2am lol...

at first i thought it was from opening too quick, but i'd leave it ages, or go in the boot get something then go back to drivers door and open it and it'd go off.. only does it on drivers door.

[Edited on 13-02-2007 by Stokie Dave]

Registered: 24th Jan 04
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14th Feb 07 at 07:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Stokie Dave
random question about the standard alarm...

what will cause it to keep goin off when i unlock the doors then open it? jus randomly goes off sometimes? sometimes its fine others it goes off, annoying outside a mates house at 2am lol...

at first i thought it was from opening too quick, but i'd leave it ages, or go in the boot get something then go back to drivers door and open it and it'd go off.. only does it on drivers door.

[Edited on 13-02-2007 by Stokie Dave]

does your door lock seem sloppy?

if camgear in door has broken then when u unlock door, the microswitch for alarm wont be deactivating.

standard alarm is thatcham 2>1 anyway so u need not really bother.

because it is a mechanical deadlock system u cannot fit an alarm that will operate the deadlock function.
Stokie Dave

Registered: 16th Dec 03
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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14th Feb 07 at 11:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

nah feels/sounds tight and quick, its only an intermittent thing lol.

Gonna bang a new alarm with RCL on sooner or later anyway and use the deadlocks at night etc. I'll live with it for now

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