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I need to know how to punch a hole in a shape with either another shape or text.
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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this might work:
-create a new layer over the top of the orignal one and draw your hole/shape on it.
-go to layer>select all - this should select the contents of the new layer.
-select the original layer and hit delete.
EDIT: then delete/hdie the new layer
[Edited on 15-02-2007 by Planty02]
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Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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try right clicking on the first layer first and click rasterize - this will change the text/shape object into an image layer
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Ive checked help and its called a 'knockout' but dont get what its tellling me to do.
searchfor knockouts in help and se if you can traslate
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sorted, gointo the layer blending options and give it a shallow knockout and change opacity to 0%
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Up the top left under file etc, when u select the Shape tool it has different options, like two grey squares interlocking, one knocking another out, one making them the same shape etc
its one of them, its hard to explain without showing you :-P
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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just need to install it quickly (recently formatted for vista)
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quote: Originally posted by AdZ9
Up the top left under file etc, when u select the Shape tool it has different options, like two grey squares interlocking, one knocking another out, one making them the same shape etc
its one of them, its hard to explain without showing you :-P
Screen shots, as tahts differnet to how ive fuigured out how to do it
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i hate PS, theres no need it stuff so simple like this been so hard to do.
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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quote: Originally posted by Planty02
this might work:
-create a new layer over the top of the orignal one and draw your hole/shape on it.
-go to layer>select all - this should select the contents of the new layer.
-select the original layer and hit delete.
EDIT: then delete/hdie the new layer
[Edited on 15-02-2007 by Planty02]
Just used this method and it works with both layer rasterized before hand
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ok, ive been using PS for a week. Pls dumb it down.
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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ok I assume you understand layers??
you just need to right click on the layer (in the layer browser on the right) and click rasterize
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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OK heres a slight edit:
- Create a new layer on top of the 1 you want to punch
- Draw the hole/puch using one solid colour on the new layer
- Rasterize both layers
- use the magic wand to select the hole/puch
- select the first layer and hit delete
- hide the 2nd layer
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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elaborate on the magic wand plz
And which is 2nd layer?
Registered: 5th Mar 05
Location: Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent
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the magic wand is on the tool panel (wherte the shapes n stuff are) - its on the right hand side and 2nd row down from the top (under a tool that looks like an arrow with a cross under it).
the 2nd layer is the one you create in the first step
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ok cheers bud, i gotta go out now but ill try it when i get back
Registered: 5th Mar 05
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