Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » corsa 1.6 sport

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Author corsa 1.6 sport

Registered: 17th Dec 05
Location: stoke-on-trent
User status: Offline
16th Feb 07 at 11:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

right, heres the story. the head gasket has gone on the car. i had a guy with massive experience doing the work for me and i had supplied the parts. however, he is now saying he cant complete the job for at least three weeks. tbh, ive totally had enough. its been two months since we drove the car and im really just sick of the sight of it. all the main work is done. ie the head has been skimmed and the engine is in parts. all that needs doing is the head putting back on etc. the car come with a full sh ( engine on 105000 i think.) . i have for the car:- alternator, full gasket kit, cambelt and rollers kit and oil and filter. all parts are brand new. this basically means that once put back together, all the wear and tear items have been replaced. i also have some apex lowering springs that i could throw in with the car. for someone who knows what they are doing, it would actually cost nothing at all to put the car back on the road. for anyone else, its just a case of getting someone to reassemble and you would have a cheap sport. car is in v.good condition overall with only a small bit of rust around the wiper on the boot and a couple of small dents in the boot. interiour is very clean. has a recent sports backbox on. car is black on an 'r' plate. all bumper plastics are still nice and dark, havent faded to grey like the usual. im looking for offers around £800, which i think is very reasonable considering all the parts are there. alternatively, if anyone knows someone who could do the work for me in the stoke-on-trent area, i would be very grateful. dont really want to get rid of the car, as we will be losing a fortune, but as said, im just fed up of only having one car. cheers, chris.

Registered: 17th Dec 05
Location: stoke-on-trent
User status: Offline
16th Feb 07 at 11:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ps forgot to add, car has only one former keeper, who did all the mileage travelling on motorway to work. as well as full history, has loads of main dealer receipts for safety recalls and service items etc.

Registered: 6th Dec 05
Location: milton keynes
User status: Offline
17th Feb 07 at 09:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

any pics please mate?

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