Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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alright guys i have recently drilled my airbox and to be honest it hasnt done me any favours. my car has seem to have got a bit slugish and it aint really puttin out the power it did before can any1 help or give me some adivce on what to do. asap
Registered: 6th Nov 05
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change to a non drilled airbox?
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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im just thinking about putting on a normal induction kit. what you lot think. has any1 else had this prob ???
Registered: 6th Nov 05
Location: Gwent, South Wales
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Ive drilled mine and found it to be better than an induction kit
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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yeah i mean i have drilled mine thinking it would be alot better but if anything it has made it worse i havent got a cold airfeed in there yet i have got the standerd one in there at the mo aswell.
Registered: 26th Nov 04
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Did you drill the bottom or the top aswell?
I've always drilled mine and never had any problems with them.
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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i only drilled the bottom. have u got a cold air feed
Registered: 1st Dec 03
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whats the point of drilling them? it will still suck in hot air. Best of putting ind kit inside the box or using K&N Apollo, Viper etc
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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well its suppose to be better than and induction hence why i done it. whats soo good about a k and n apollo or viper
Registered: 26th Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by topshot_2k
whats the point of drilling them? it will still suck in hot air. Best of putting ind kit inside the box or using K&N Apollo, Viper etc
Induction kits pull in more hot air than a driled airbox
Drill the holes on the front and underneath of the box - not on the engine side.
I have the standard intake pipes but removed the restrictor plates etc from the box
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
User status: Offline
remove what restrictor plate. i just drilled the airbox i didnt remove the plate??
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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restricter plate? im puzzled to, i just drilled my airbox and put it back in, i had a K&N on before, doesnt feel no different though!
Registered: 11th Nov 04
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the 2 tubes inside the airbox just pull out
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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If i remember there was only one tube inside the airbox and that was where the intake pipe went!!
Registered: 11th Nov 04
Location: Wigan, Lancs Drove: x14xe Sport
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one bent one in the big box part and 1 tapered one on the lid .. just pushes out
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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o rite i will have alook when i get chance.
Registered: 28th Jun 04
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stucks some holes in mine by the wheel arch and removed all the pipes all over the place.
might be worth getting a panel filter like the pipercross one and sticking that in the box? tis what i've done and it runs nice
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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oo rite yeah i have only got a standerd panel filter in there.
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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quote: Originally posted by Craig A
well its suppose to be better than and induction hence why i done it. whats soo good about a k and n apollo or viper
its totally enclosed with a direct air feed 
Drilled airboxes are a false economy. Best of just putting the ind kit in the airbox and not drilling it as i said
Registered: 2nd Nov 06
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hi i drilled mine and it drives fine. just getting a kn panel filtr to chuck in there for good measure
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
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quote: Originally posted by topshot_2k
quote: Originally posted by Craig A
well its suppose to be better than and induction hence why i done it. whats soo good about a k and n apollo or viper
its totally enclosed with a direct air feed 
Drilled airboxes are a false economy. Best of just putting the ind kit in the airbox and not drilling it as i said
False economy? Drilling airbox is free! It is no "economy" at all!
Unlike the money you'd have to spend of buying a induction kit
Ste L
Registered: 3rd Jul 06
Location: Manchester Drives: 106 16v Rallye
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^^^ very true...
get a panel filter, in drilled air box it better than an induction kit, and probably will be cheaper
Registered: 26th Nov 04
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk Status: Happy
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I paid about £15 for a brandnew Pipercross panel filter from eBay for my GSi - drilled the box, removed the internal bits - bish bash job done!
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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and see no gains at all. Ind kit in non drilled box would be better all together,
Craig A
Registered: 6th Dec 06
Location: Iver, Buckinghamshire
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puttin an induction kit inside a airbox sounds a bit stupid. u mite aswell just put the induction kit on aint ya. whats the reason for putti a diffrent panel filter in?