Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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Jamie made me aware of this the other day, starting a match, then coming to half time/team management and letting the timer run down. Then the other person will disconnect, and give you the win.
Well ive got some bloke trying it on with me now.
Came to half time, hes 1-0 up. Went to start 2nd half and the timer runs down. I give it a few minutes and nothing happens.
So i sent him a message:
'I know what youre doing, i can leave the 360 on all night, i dont care.'
Got a message back:

So i sent:

I recieved:

So i sent:

I have filed a complaint against him, and given him a negative rep.
The game is still sitting at half time, its only 2.5 mins each way as it is 
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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are they locked to only your game if you're still hosting?
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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I believe so yes. I fooking hope so
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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You'll be ok so long as it doesn't overheat
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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Well so will his aswel 
I dont really care, as itl be the 7th game ive lost anyway. But i hate cheats
Registered: 26th Sep 04
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My xbox has bin on all day I forgot about it and went out, its still on now, can they really overheat???
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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best thing to do, is just be nice, say "oh well gg" and just set yourself to offline, will soon give in
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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I'd leave it on if he has to be still connected.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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bah its promotion day today, after my SHIT week im going down from d1 to d2 i reckon
Registered: 29th Mar 00
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how did it end?
Registered: 1st Dec 03
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should have got FIFA
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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was gonna say, on fifa you get 30 seconds each then the game starts. im suprised you can do this on pro evo.
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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Ah this really pisses me off. Happened to me twice last Tuesday and I thought it was my Xbox playing up, then I heard about this and all became clear.
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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im quite liking pro evo atm, but i think if i see this happen alot i will go insane!
Registered: 17th Feb 04
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why would he cheat if he was 1-0 up though?
There are instances where the game will genuinely crash. there is a chance he isn't cheating.
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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Like me the other day when I was losing 7-4 and decided to pause and go order a domino pizza and came back and had lost 9-4, so cheating doesnt work all the time
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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quote: Originally posted by --Dave--
There are instances where the game will genuinely crash. there is a chance he isn't cheating.
Did you not read the messages above?!
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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Oh and i turned it off in the end 
Didnt fancy leaving xbox on all night
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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nothing he wrote back was suggesting he was cheating Dave 
Sometimes the game does crash. Why would he quit when he was 1-0 up?
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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must be really sad, cheating each game just to win so that you can say your ranked whatever. takes the fun out of the game
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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if you host, change the number of pauses to 0. Job done.
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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I said i know what hes upto and he replied saying its not his problem dave, are u feeling ok?
And it doesnt matter how many pauses u change it to, because they can do it at half time, like what happened to me last night.
Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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And it was a close game, he got a lucky goal and i was clearly ontop, he was scared i was going to murk him.
Registered: 17th Feb 04
Location: Essssseeeeex Drives: Black Supra TT
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he said it was your problem because you were the host. meaning the game might have locked up or froze for him also.
Not every game you play where it freezes means you're playing a cheater ffs
Registered: 1st Jun 02
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--Dave-- cheated when I played him.