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Author o2 rant

Registered: 25th May 01
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22nd Apr 07 at 11:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

after 4 years of my business they fuck up big time

in Feb 2007 I was due an upgrade, currently paying £25 and have an o2 Mini S on a 12 month Online 200 contract.

So, rang them up a few days before I was due an upgrade and asked for the o2 Zinc release date. Monday they said. Rang up Monday, was told it was going to be 3 weeks now as it had some issues they had to resolve.

Waited 3 weeks to be told another 2 weeks, then was told April 2nd was the final release date.

Rang up on April 2nd to be told that they would no longer sell the phone. Pretty pissed off as I could have cancelled and gone with T-Mobile 2 months prior. After complaining to o2 they said that the N95 would be out on the 11th - offered me a 12 month online 30 contract for £30 a month including 250 minutes, 500 texts and 1mb data download - cost of the phone would be £89.99 as it was going to be in high demand.

Go the phone on the 12th, all looked OK.

Go the confirmation letter yesterday saying thanks for the contract, 12 months, 250 minutes, 100 texts and 100kb data (400 texts and 900kb short of what I was told)

Rang up straight away to enquire, spoke to 4 different people and all told me that they could not find where I was offered 500 texts and 1MB data, and I had to either buy a bolt on for texts and data (something like £12 extra a month) or return the phone to them in 14 days and cancel the contract. I would have returned it but could not get a better deal elsewhere on 12 month contract.

So after being called a lier about the 500 texts and 1mb data I spoke to someone in charge - who went away for 10 minutes and came back and said they could not upgrade my contract and I was making it up. they they found the call details from 2 weeks ago and said I was told I could have this on an 18 month contract - which is bullshit.

They then said they could not do what I was told for £30 a month, so I went on the o2 website and showed them the EXACT deal for £30 a month

So.....they said the only way was to return the phone as it was and take out a new upgrade........but the n95 was not in stock at the moment and I could be without a phone for 2-3 weeks - AND the 3g SIM they sent me would not work in my old phone so I would have to be sent another new SIM

I was fuming by this point - 45 minutes on the phone so far

so EVENTUALLY spoke to someone else who managed to give me what was mine, but could not offer me anything more for my troubles.

I bet £100 that when my bill comes through at the end of the month it is incorrect again

If you were me what would you do? Trust they have made the changes or send it all back, tell them to fuck off and pay more but go elsewhere?



Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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22nd Apr 07 at 11:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You might have just been unlucky, I've never had a problem with them in 6 years. But I suppose it only takes one big thing like this to lose confidence in them!

Registered: 25th May 01
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22nd Apr 07 at 11:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Marc
You might have just been unlucky, I've never had a problem with them in 6 years. But I suppose it only takes one big thing like this to lose confidence in them!

it all boils down to the fact I was sold an ONLINE 30 contract and I am classed as an OFFLINE customer - which they said was their mistake

and then it took some doing for them to match the ONLINE 30 contract for £30 as an OFFLINE customer, lied to me, then eventually did it and acted like they were doing me a favour

first time they have done a mjor fuck up - i hope my bill isnt wrong at the end of the month or I will hit the roof

[Edited on 22-04-2007 by M2RTY]

Registered: 25th May 01
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22nd Apr 07 at 11:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

plus their attitude was "return the phone and cancel the contract - its easier for us - we dont care"
Matt H

Registered: 11th Sep 01
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22nd Apr 07 at 12:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A friend had lots of problems with his account, they promised him something & every month it was wrong

He should've had 500 mins for £12.50 a month but they kept charging him £40

Went on & on & on & on

Ask for the manager to send you a signed copy stating exactly what you should get a month

Registered: 25th May 01
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22nd Apr 07 at 12:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Matt H
A friend had lots of problems with his account, they promised him something & every month it was wrong

He should've had 500 mins for £12.50 a month but they kept charging him £40

Went on & on & on & on

Ask for the manager to send you a signed copy stating exactly what you should get a month

asked and was denied a copy, only a call note on my account

on a few o2 forums now......loads of people have same problem

might go over to T-Mobile, an extra £7.50 a month AND an 18 month contract but unlimited data downloads....hummmmm

o2 have new contracts coming out on Friday too - to rival T-mobile's web n walk

i would like to know more details, which they will not give me, but if I sent my n95 back and cancel the upgrade (HAVE to do this tomorrow latest) then I will be phonesless for a few days, even weeks as o2 have no N95s in stock and have a load on back order
Matt H

Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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22nd Apr 07 at 12:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

T-mob are doing £5 off the flext tariffs at the mo, so that'll bring it down a bit more

Registered: 25th May 01
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22nd Apr 07 at 12:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Matt H
T-mob are doing £5 off the flext tariffs at the mo, so that'll bring it down a bit more

yeah works out £5 (-5_ a month plus £7.50 WnW = £37.50

still, over the duration of my contract it will be £270 to go with T-mobile - a lot of money just for free internet on the phone

at home I have a PC and WiFi, use a PC all day at work and can usually find free hotspots out and about (or pay if in hotel etc - usually take laptop on travels with me anyway) - so think I will stay with 12 months on o2 even though they messed up

so if they mess my bill up at end of month I will see what else they can do for me


Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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22nd Apr 07 at 12:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i encountered a similar problem to matts friend when i upgraded last month

Registered: 25th May 01
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22nd Apr 07 at 13:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
i encountered a similar problem to matts friend when i upgraded last month

they sort it ok?

Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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22nd Apr 07 at 14:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

they said so, i await my next bill with fear tbh!!

Registered: 29th Apr 03
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22nd Apr 07 at 16:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by M2RTY
plus their attitude was "return the phone and cancel the contract - its easier for us - we dont care"

problem is they dont care, happens all the time in call centres people screw up or forget to tell you all the details of something.

just have to take it on the chin unfortunetly.

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